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cant...make it.....save...yourself....

son of bitch. oi i been finding (dont know exactly why) that the next day after a kava sesh (which is every day), i discover myself to be profoundly exhausted as hell. nothing i can do to alter this. guarana and yerba mate only make me anxious, but do nothing to remedy the tiredness. can anyone suggest anything shy of crystal meth thatll help me stay awake? cuz sometimes, you just need to get shit done. maybe its the stone kava? either way it blows, and i cant figure out a solution. HELLLP!!


Kava Enthusiast
Stone kava is a notorious heavy hitter kava, and if you're drinking the recent batch, this is especially so. Try switching to a more 'head' than 'body' kava. I recommend Fu'u by BKH.


Kava Enthusiast
How much root are you using? Might just be a matter of scaling back a bit.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
+1 to Meta's suggestion for Fu'u or pretty much any quality Tongan kava you can get. Stone will do to you the exact opposite of what you want.
ay. i tend to go apeshit with it. ill start the sesh with a bowl of 2nd wash recyclings (1 cup presqueezed root/3 cups agua). after that, ill brew up a fresh bowl of it with one cup of pristine untouched root to 4 cups water. this is all consumed within the course of about six hours or so. aw man today was rugged. i woke up after like three hours of sleep, still shitfaced from the prior nights sesh. calm day, smooth sailing. but just effin tired man. i got a lb of stone left, so itll be time to order more kava shortly. im thinkin bula kava house, or kava by rex. i hear good things about tongan pride and van3. stone is epic, but super heavy. thanks for the advice, all ye kava heads. oi


Kava Lover
Simple solution, drink a nighttime java at night, and a daytime java durin the day! I have heard that Tongan pride from KBR is a very upidy kava and is great to give your pep some step. Maybe it's the other way around... But, I'm too krunk to care :D