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Car crash

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Involved in a collision... nothing kava related.  Hurts a bit to read, still, so I've been mostly offline.  I've been drinking massive amounts of kava as a muscle relaxant, and mostly because my post-concussion syndrome makes me want to scream until my vocal chords are completely raw.  Drive safe and be well.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
The Royal Physician has banned me from state duties for over a month now. Says I shouldn't be allowed to open my mouth in public. I'm thinking perhaps he could write me an Rx for kava, so that I can just pour a shell whenever I need one.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Got into a spot of trouble. I consumed about 30mg of Ativan within a week's time frame. It utterly flatlined my adrenal glands. I cannot prove without unethical medical experimentation that somehow kava has given me a massive tolerance for other anxiolytic and analgesic compounds. I broke down sobbing in front of the royal physician because I just couldn't stand Elizabeth II's constant nagging. I mean, can you imagine screaming "Who the hell died and made you queen?" and have "George VI" as the answer?

Reading is still a bit difficult. My vision is better in the morning, but blurs as time goes on.

I know if I hold to Kastom, that my brother John Frum will deliver me from this trying time.


Feel better soon man. I've missed your presence here on the forums.

I hope you feel better, but it's kind of interesting how you like to stay in character so much.
lol I know, I love it