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Chemotype and lactone info for recent cultivars shipped to US

Andrew Procyk

Noble Kava
Kava Vendor
- 432516, 9.323% - "Ahouia" means "yellow."
 Yellow because it is extremely full of oily lactones. 

- 452631, 7.188% - This one has a huge amount of DHM, over 2.5%.
 Relaxes the body as well as the mind.

Laterals - 423561, 8.68% - Heavy in kavain = quick-hitting, and very

some reason, I can't find the the exact Magic numbers, which are with
the instant info somewhere doggone it.  I remember a stumpy
profile at a high 6%

instant/Quick Kava is nuts. The profile is that of a Borogu, which
makes sense, as it is fresh borogu that is used in the process. The
result has very high kavain, over 10%.  Some say it is nearly
energizing.  We had a customer call and ask if it might have
been something different, or if something may have been added to it,
because the effects were that immediate and intense.  It turns
out, they did 3 times the recommended dose (1 tbsp) because that is
what they were doing with their prior instant!  WOW!  Scared
us a bit, but made us proud!  ;-)