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Chugging vs sipping

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Kava Enthusiast
Does it make a difference? I have generally always sipped kava, a habit I picked up from drinking whiskey. I was wondering if there is much of a difference in the effects?


Kava aficionado
Does it make a difference? I have generally always sipped kava, a habit I picked up from drinking whiskey. I was wondering if there is much of a difference in the effects?
For me chugging is the fastest way to achieve a nice level of Krunk. As I said on another thread, I think if I were to sip it, I'd make it twice as strong.


Kava Curious
Chugging it does seem to get me to my place quicker. Plus, the taste is so unbearable for me I just like getting it over as soon as I can.

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Kava Enthusiast
I shall change my evil ways brothers, took some time off but decided to take up my kava ways again. I always sipped and got decent effects just chugged a nice amount of 11 year and im feeling nice.


Kava aficionado
I shall change my evil ways brothers, took some time off but decided to take up my kava ways again. I always sipped and got decent effects just chugged a nice amount of 11 year and im feeling nice.
are you still tossing and washing?

11 year is Micro, I believe, but in general..


Kava aficionado
Yeah I still toss and wash I'm a heathen and that won't change anytime soon. Got some borogu ready to go with toss and wash.
I am surprised it doesn't mess you up, I did that couple times when down to the end of bag, but it was awefull, lol


Kava Enthusiast
I tend to chug my first shell or two than have a shell...or two more that sip on to maintain or fine tune me krunkyness.

I've chocked myself so many times doing the toss n wash, I hate it. But it is a very fast way to get some herb powder down. If I put liquid in my mouth first it helps. Since I mostly dry sift my kava into a fine/micro powder I almost always shake and chug my root. 2-3 tablespoons of root with 1 cup of chocolate almond milk and
.5-1 cups of water gives me a pretty strong krunktastic surry that dose its job. It is harder to keep hydrated because I'm not initially drinking much water so I have to keep on myself to down the water which some times is a losing battle because I'm feeling like I weigh 500 lbs by than


Kava Enthusiast
El SquanchO's root isn't to bad a sipping kava ether. My mouths watering right now thinking about it. I'm going to go work on the weed wakker and I'm gunna come in and mix me up some of that dirty water and sip the shit out of it, pinky up and all:pompus: bula every body bula

Jay Charles

Kava Curious
for me it depends on the kava and how strong it is.. also it depends on what i'm doing. i will sometimes sip kava during the day if i need to get a little buzz but not full on. but yeah it WILL i think be more effective if you chug them like shots and space them out. i've gotten good though at sipping strong kava and keeping myself on that nice level for a while though. it also seems like i end up using less kava (thus saving money)but that may just be in my head
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