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Coconut Shells


Kava Curious
Hey guys. Can anyone recommend a good place online to buy a couple of decent coconut shells and possibly even a tanoa? Any recommendations at all would be great. Thanks in advance!!


Kava Enthusiast
I got my shell from bula and it's really sweet. It holds 3 and 1/2 cups of liquid so it's practically a tanoa in itself. Paradisegysy is a cool looking company in Somoa that sells handcarved tonoas and shells along with Somoan kava. I have always wanted to order but hate international ordering as custums takes forever, but they have some pretty sweet and affordable shells and tonoas.  http://paradisegypsy.com/KAVA_BOWLS_PLATTERS.htm

Ebay has one but it's 636$ which seems pretty steep... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Authentic-Fijian-Tanoa-Kava-Bowl-with-intricate-Polynesian-details-/321021287993?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4abe5c1e39

Most all of the kava vendors sell shells as well and work great. I love bulas as they are flat on the bottom and can sit on level surfaces without tipping over.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
I have the coconut cups from bula, but usually I used these Norpro 1 1/2 cup wooden cups that I got on Amazon:
It's important that you not leave them wet though or in the sink or they will split, as long as you dry them out when you're done they should be fine.
For a tanoa, I use an acacia wood bowl that I also got on Amazon, I couldn't see spending $100's, although that other place someone just posted has more manageable prices although 6" diameter sounds pretty small.


Kava Curious
Brilliant!!Thanks, these are really great suggestions!! I was gonna order the Bula shells but they looked a little on the large side. The Acacia Wood bowl looks like a great alternative if I don't shell out for proper tanoa. The tanoa's do look pretty cool on that Samoan site though.