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Collecting the resin


Kava Lover
I know a lot of people here throw their kava in the blender, I use a hand blender so this doesn't really apply to me; but I've read multiple times here that resin builds up in your blenders, beautiful, kavalactone rich, resin. I know that after using a favorite cannabis apparatus for awhile you get that resin build up. And after you clean and scrape it you can collect that resin and use it. So my question is this: has anyone ever tried to collect this resin? Do you think such a venture would be possible? If so, then perhaps one could create I nice little stash of kavalactone resin, and that could come in handy.


Kava Enthusiast
I was gonna post pics of my blender resin but can't figure out how on my iPhone, ill post it tomorrow.

What would u do with the resin? I'm a complete newb, never smoked.

Could it have bacteria or anything? It builds up over a week or so.

It only washes off with boiling water but u can scrape it.


Kava Enthusiast
That resin is damn tough to get out. The only thing I've found that remotely works is scrapping it off with a knife and that leaves alot. The resin actaully made it so I had to buy my girlfriend a new blender as the yellow gunk freaked her out. I tried disolving it lemon juice and vinegar to no avail. Really the only way to wash it out is really hot water with dish soap and steel wool. I typically wait untill there is a thick coating and scrape it out with a knife and get a good gob about the size of a marble or so and disolve it under my tongue, makes my mouth go numb and I get a good buzz off it.


Pretentious, Wannabe Philosopher
I'm not sure if it works the same way as MJ resin, but I used to just soak my bowl in a ziploc bag with vodka for 24 hours--then strain and drink it for a green dragon of sorts, but that's irrelevant--after which it's extremely easy to get off. It's worth a shot if you have alcohol in your house. If anyone finds an effective method, it would be great if you would share. I had to buy my mother a new blender because she was unhappy about the staining/resin; and I would like to use the blender method again, preferably without inciting her wrath.