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Confused on the right kava to buy for the effects I want

The first time I drank kava I was amazed at how euphoric I felt. Then after that with the same batch it became less and less euphoric and more dizzying which I did not like. I am looking for that uplifting energetic buzz again. I just bought some rex togan pride and was also going to try the bkh borogu and the fu'u. Am I looking for the ones with a low DHM content and a high kavain? I LOVED the anti anxiety and euphoria but not so much the nausea. I also read someone saying that the fire island instant kava was high kavain also. I am going on a trip to europe very soon and I want to pick the right ones. Thanks!


Kava Curious
I think the low DHM and high kavain sound like what you want, but I am also new to this. I've only had nausea when I've drank on a full stomach. I like the tongan pride and the vanuatu 3 from KBR, but I haven't tried that many other kinds. (I'm cheap and KBR is also not very expensive.) I bet some more experienced people on here will have some recommendations.