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Consensus on Cholesterol effect

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Go Krunk Yourself

Kava Enthusiast
LDL went from 181 in August of 2016 to 204 in Feburary of 2017 to now its 262.

I've had a decent amount of weight loss (242 or 235 (cant rememebr fully) to 200 pounds since January) and only went off the diet for 1 week this whole year. Very strict Ketogenic diet. Try to limited red meat to twice a week, LOTS of chicken, good amount of fish. An avocado with olive oil everyday. I had been doing daily usage Kava then switched to spotty usage before the test but now I found my dream kava so it's been daily again. It's to such a significant elevation that it would seem unlikely that Kava would be able to make such a profound impact, but could it be worsening things?

It seems to be either two things: Familial hypercholesterolemia or an erroneous reading caused by weight loss and ketogenic diet which will correct itself once I reach the proper weight and plateau.

I always have trig's below 100 HDL above 45 usually.

The keto people tell me not to worry, tell me LDL amount is not a big risk for heard disease and due to my low trigs they are most likely the large fluffy LDL which do not oxidize as easily... But 261 just sounds abhorrently high. Higher than would be caused by diet which leads me to beleive it would be unlikely for Kava to be having a big impact.

Keep in mind between the time i went from 181 to 204 I had been consuming a TON of chopper liver, which would definitely have had an impact, but to go from 204 to 262 in 4 months seems ridiculous and either not the real picture or entirely genetic.

I expect to have higher than "normal" LDL as its common in my family, and frankly it doesn't scare em all that much as heart disease does not run in either sides of my family really and I plan to take care of myself over the years. But we're talking about 160 or so not 260. DR has not prescribed statin yet.

FYI I'm only 24.

Don't mean to tie something that could not be related to Kava at all to Kava, but I just wanted to discuss it as I've heard of people getting high readings.
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Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
When I was in the army young guys would get false high LDL readings fairly frequently. I would want to get at least a second test before concluding it was accurate, just because the risk of a false high number is so plausible.


Kava Lover
Somewhere there was a previous thread on Kava and cholesterol. If I recall correctly there was enough anecdotal evidence of folks cholesterol going up that it was likely more than a coincidence. I thought there was a reference to a paper or two....I will have to go searching.


Kava Curious
Try some pu'erh tea. It really helped my cholesterol. My cholesterol spiked after starting kava. Theres conflicting opinions on cholesterol. IMLE inflammation is the culprit. We know for sure fat and dietary cholesterol doesnt do it. Alot of people think its carbs but the okinawan diet consists of 65% carbs... its inflammation thats the problem.

Yeh theres some ratio of triglycerides to one of the cholesterols and if its below a number youre ok. I wont take statins myself. Results are weak and some people get ruined by them, i wont take the chance. Good luck.


Kava Curious
I should add inflammation doesnt cause cholesterol it causes cardio problems. I read something about a vast number of cardiac patients had WNL cholesterol values.
I have no desire to take statin if my LDL is under 180 or so. I do not fear elevation, it's this significant elevation. 262 is just RIDICULOUS. If it ends up being related to my weight loss it will go away but it makes me very worried. IT always makes me worried to continue Kava as I do quite enjoy it. I think I'm going to intermittent fast to get rid of the rest of my weight and add in cardio everyday 30 mintues and become more active and hope for the best at this point.

People keep telling me not to worry about the amount anymore, oh it's a calculation, oh its not a good measure for heart disease anymore, but over 220 LDL with no history of Familial hypercholesterolemia is usually a sign that is indeed Familial hypercholesterolemia which apparently caused rapid early heart disease... sigh.

Go Krunk Yourself

Kava Enthusiast
KavaMeCrazy is me, but an old account i keep logging into.

Been on crestor for a while. hoping if you guys could tell me if it's okay for me to do Kava occasionally on it? I can't find ANYTHING.


itchin for kava
My naturopath told me that this whole cholesterol worry is blown out of proportion. He said the brain is made of a high percentage of cholesterol and you need it for your brains energy supply. He also said that since we have all been trying to keep down our cholesterol levels and avoid fats that alzheimer and dimentia has been increasing in the population. Don't know how scientific or true this is but something to think about. Personally I will avoid statins.
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