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Could this bill grant sessions the ability to ban kava and other psychoactives


I'm interested in things
I can't find that quote anywhere in the bill. Could you give me an idea where it's located ?
Please see my posts above with the images of the text from the bill and my discussion of the specific language... it doesn't literally say anything about K@ or opioids specifically, but could be overzealously interpreted that way.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Ok, I took a closer look at this bill. Because this is not a political forum, I will refrain from commenting about the names listed as sponsors of the bill, although I have a lot to say about both of those individuals (seriously don't get me started), and simply note that this legislation is bipartisan, so would seem to have a good chance of passing.

The language establishing "Schedule A" literally says:
View attachment 7963

So... if I were a defense attorney (which I jolly well am not) in a case against a K@ seller I would say something along these lines to the judge:

"K@ and it's active ingredients are not scheduled substances. That's settled. The active ingredients in K@ are opioids, but they are unique and their chemical structures are not similar to any scheduled opioid. Therefore paragraph 6.A.i.I doesn't apply here."

So, it would seem that according to the letter of the law, this would not affect K@.

However, I think K@ advocates are right to worry, because the prosecution could say something like:

"The spirit of the law is clearly intended to apply to things like K@. And anyway, K@ has a similar effect on opioid receptors to scheduled opioids, and therefore the chemical structure must be similar enough in some way to count as an analog."

Like I said this bill definitely does not apply to kava. It would seem that the law does not apply to kava, but the language is worryingly vague and not specifically about opioids. And the kind of ignorant attitudes that led to this bill very much do apply to kava. Those attitudes being:
1) "All drugs in a particular category such as opioids are equally harmful." and
2) "All drugs are equally harmful."

Just read the news and it is clear there are people in very high places who literally believe #2 above.

I hope this post is not too political. I will be happy to remove or amend it if it is, but I feel these things need to be said.
Every time I hear a lawyer or politican say something like " The spirit of..." when pushing an agenda I cringe so hard. Spirit my foot. :grumpy:
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Kava Curious
And it could really threaten all kinds of other things if sessions sees fit What if this year the West learned about some obscure kava-like plant medicine that's been used for centuries by a culture we don't interact with much, and it turns out to have just as much potential as kava, but gets banned before anyone can even discover it's potential. I don't think it's exactly a far-fetched though. More realistically and more importantly though, this is an act that supplements the drug war in a big way. It's not every day they add a whole new class of scheduling with unique provisions. This kind of legislature is extremely dangerous in the hands of our current officials (and possibly any official)
I totally agree and we have to protect our precious kava plants people are not Vigilant when they need to be and our government is more than happy to take your rights to drink this wonderful elixir of life away from you forever just look back at prohibitions on alcohol marijuana anything that affects the almighty dollar and I hate to sound totally insane but places like China probably dump lots of money into getting organizations like the FDA to ban the things that they like to get in their country kava is a limited Supply if everyone on the planet started drinking it tomorrow well I don't think that would be good for me.

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Kava Enthusiast
Yes, this bill would allow the them to schedule kava.

However, I doubt it will pass the way it's currently worded. Currently, the wording would allow them to schedule virtually any psychoactive substance.


Kava Enthusiast
Well it passed through the house no problem... :(
Yikes! Ive been busy with work, so I haven't been following politics too closely.
The last version of the bill I skimmed was a few weeks old, so hopefully they changed some things since then. The Senate is far more moderate than the house, so I hopefully it dies there


Bula To Eternity
https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/115.S.1327 - Stop the Importation and Trafficking of Synthetic Analogues Act.pdf

People are concerned that this is going to be used to ban K@. People are writing to the senators introducing this bill to urge them to please EXCLUDE ALL BOTANICALS from this bill (Ffs it even says synthetics in the name, but experts in law seem to be concerned) So i thought, who's to say it can't extend to the sale of kava if our lovely friend Jeff Sessions sees fit? Probably not on the radar now, but whos to say it won't lay the foundation for an uphill battle down the road?
Youre concern is valid with the exception that Jeff Sessions wont be around much longer, IMO. So he wont be your problem, but maybe his replacement (possibly Gullioni)


Kava Enthusiast
skimmed through it. doesn't seem to be of any relevance to kava.

Re K@ it seems there's just no political will to even police the existing legislation. It is illegal to serve K@ in bars. Totally illegal. No quesiton about it. And yet so many people do it. It seems to me it's pretty obvious nobody is keen to even enforce the existing laws.
This is wrong. Actually, outlawing/scheduling K@ has never been on the table. The DEA wanted to schedule two specific alkaloids in K@ which essentially makes K@ illegal. This could apply to Kava because this would give the AG direct authority to schedule some KLs found in Kava on a scientific basis, which effectively would make Kava illegal.

I highly doubt this would happen, but I don't trust the justice department with that kind of broad authority. Unless I'm missing some key information, this bill would allow them to effectively outlaw dairy products.

I haven't read the entirety of this discussion, but I want to clear up the fact that when it comes to our current system for scheduling substances as well as the proposed SITSA, synthetic vs nonsynthetic is basically irrelevant. If they want to ban a plant they can just ban alkaloids in the plant unless they changed the bill to explicitly exclude alkaloids.

Later I can find the quote from the bill, but to paraphrase, it would allow them to schedule any substance that binds the same receptors as controlled substances. This is one point that gives the AG broad authority to schedule almost anything psychoactive. Not that science seems matter to the DOJ, but there's scientific evidence that some KLs (can't remember which off the top of my head) bind GABA receptors.

Here it is :
(B) PREDICTED STIMULANT, DEPRESSANT, OR HALLUCINOGENIC EFFECT.—For purpose of this paragraph, a predicted stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effect on the central nervous system may be based on—

“(i) the chemical structure, structure activity relationships, binding receptor assays, or other relevant scientific information about the substance;

Their definition of analogue is not a scientific definition of a chemical analogue. Their definition is basically a catch-all
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Kava Lover
Oh I watched the end of a meeting and saw it passed a committee. It appears it wasn't the house it was just one of many committees