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Crazy Kava Dreams


Kava Enthusiast
Oh Kava. How it does give me crazy dreams. Or at least very vivid ones. Sometimes both.

To start with, I'm a white male, I have no sister, (only one brother), and I have never worked in a hospital.

night I dreamed that I was a black woman. Apparently, my sister just
commited suicide, and I was very grief ridden. Well I was also starting a
new job as a nurse at a hospital and it was my first day and of course I
wanted to impress everyone.
Well there was this hallway with a
blinking light at the end, and every time I looked down the hallway,
time would become very slow, and I would get this immense feeling of
grief, and i could hear my dead sister's voice calling to me... and then
I would pull myself away and pretend to the other nurses around me that
everything was fine. But i could feel them talking about me. And for
some reason I would every now and then look back down that hallway, and
almost faint with the grief of my dead sister.

Well eventually I
looked down the hallway again and fell to the floor in grief, and not
only did i hear my dead  sister's voice, but she was now standing beside
me. I was afraid of her. I thought she blamed me for her  suicide,
because I knew I was too judgmental on her when she was alive.  She had a
bottle of water, and kept trying to get me to drink from it, but i
didn't want to because I thought my black dead sister's ghost was trying
to poison me.

Then it turned out that it was an episode of
gray's anatomy (which by the way I've never seen an episode of that
show), and then as if the scene changed, i was in another scene and I
was an older man and something about a limo.. lord who knows...

So has anyone else had any crazy dreams that they think was a direct response of a good kava session?

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Oh man, did I have some bizarre dreams last night, I don't remember much of a plot, just some bizarre imagery. I was going back to college, but it didn't look like any sort of college I've ever seen, and definitely my current age, married to my wife, my daughter was in it, it was definitely in the present time. Some of the details were just so weird, like something out of a Studio Ghibli movie like flying trains that looked more like strings of white paper lanterns. I have been listening to Lian Hearn's Tales of Otori Trilogy on audiobook, I think that is where the Japanese inspired imagery comes from now that I think of it.

The overall feeling was much like the dreams that I got from taking Neurontin (gabapentin) for fibromyalgia pain, although now they think that is more a symptom of the Crohn's Disease. I have to say that my joints are much less painful than usual this morning, and I don't have any abdominal cramping yet, those are good things, but I do feel a bit lethargic.


Kava Curious
I have friends who say kava gives them trippy dreams, but my dreams always seem trippy so I haven't noticed anything different yet, haha...

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
I had great flying dreams last night--I wrote a rather lengthy post describing it more, but it seems like when I make longer posts to this site half the time I lose access to the site for awhile and the post never shows up, probably the security software on my computer or firewall.

The line that kept coming up is from the Seal song Crazy, "In a world full of people only some want to fly 'cause they're not crazy."
I always get the feeling that I can remember dreams I had years back in time while on kava, specially when I'm in the twilight state just before sleeping or just before waking up, sometimes it's like i find a clue to some dream that suddenly open up a whole landscape or situation I had completely forgot.
I'. always burning K@ in the end of my sessions so that could be a reason as well


Kava Curious
My dreams with kava are definitely more vivid and involved than without it. Sometimes they go in a direction I don't expect (though not quite as much as yours so far). But I love sleeping on kava.


I pay a lot of attention to my dreams and there is one aspect more notable in them with my kava use. It isn't the dream itself, though, as not much has changed there and I typically dream about the same, rather depressing, things/people. The one thing I experience (and sometimes dislike quote a bit) with my dreams after a kava session are that they are much more meaningful. A familiar face in a familiar dream will mean the world to me, and I'll want to call that person or meet up with that person to discuss our semi-disconnected relationship. Or sometimes I dream of a place, or time, and nostalgia will creep up on my mind for days after. This experience is also common when I occasionally chew K@ leaves before bed.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
kavalover said:
I pay a lot of attention to my dreams and there is one aspect more notable in them with my kava use. It isn't the dream itself, though, as not much has changed there and I typically dream about the same, rather depressing, things/people. The one thing I experience (and sometimes dislike quote a bit) with my dreams after a kava session are that they are much more meaningful. A familiar face in a familiar dream will mean the world to me, and I'll want to call that person or meet up with that person to discuss our semi-disconnected relationship. Or sometimes I dream of a place, or time, and nostalgia will creep up on my mind for days after. This experience is also common when I occasionally chew K@ leaves before bed.
Hah, reminds me of certain tribal dream beliefs, unless those stories are apocryphal.  I'm distrusting of New Age book publishers factually speaking.  But I know what you mean.  Trying to find meaning in life and where I am going and I am not a young man, other than in maturity.  My daughter tells me that I am a hippie.  LOL  I definitely have a very different way of looking at things from the norm.


Kava Enthusiast
I guess i should add that i don't think my dreams were much more crazy than normal, but it was SO VIVID. Like another universe vivid where crazy things happen and they were happening in real life--

after the dream of being a black lady with a dead sister, i had a more normal dream that I woke up, and it was snowing outside. I walked into the living room and the entire front wall of my house was missing except for the door.

for some reason i thought it was a bit odd, but It didn't really bother me that much. Then i went back to bed, and that's when my entire body started vibrating intensely- and i could feel it and it was so real and weird that it woke me up and i could still slightly feel a tingle of it as if it really happened.

it reminds me of the type of dreams that one should have when taking herbs or drugs that are specifically for enhancing the dream state, but all i had was kava.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Shamanic journeying can be like that, it's somewhere between daydreaming and a lucid dream, most of the time I have remained at least somewhat aware of my body. The beginning tends to follow a certain formula. I'd love to get Myst IV: Revelation installed and running again, that was a couple computers ago and I don't know if it runs on Windows 7. The parts in the world Serenia have elements of shamanic dreaming and journeying, which are pretty trippy. Last night I started watching this movie Origin: Spirits of the Past visually it's pretty awesome. I've got a fever and now a headache on top of that so I'm out sick anyway probably going to make a batch of Stone and see where it goes from there, maybe that will also kill these fever aches.


Kava Curious
I used to attempt lucid dreaming and it is a well known fact that stress affects dream recall negatively (you dream every 90 or so minutes every night even if you don't remember any dreams the next morning), kava is relaxing so that might explain it (although so is Xanax and that didn't produce the same results) and most dreams are fairly trippy to begin with. If you think about dreaming during the day (like right now) you're much more likely to actually remember them too so this is something that could be subject to a major placebo effect, that being said the first night I tried kava I had an unusually vivid dream (and it's highly unusual for me to even remember my dreams and I wasn't thinking about this thread or anything like it that night). I think it probably does affect dreaming..


Kava Curious
Most vivid and bizarre dreams I've ever had were on a silent meditation retreat and later, when I was keeping a dream journal while trying to have a LD and simultaneously learning about Jungian dream analysis. If you want to have crazy vivid dreams try keeping a dream journal.


Kava Enthusiast
Dreams, a favorite subject of mine. My dream recall is low when I drink kava, maybe i'm drinking too much of it. Here are some common stuff that works for vivid dreams for me, not necessary lucid ones:

Apple Juice (not kidding)

B-6 100 mg


K@ (just starting drinking this stuff once a week and few times i was able to stay between dream/wake state )

what kills dream recall for me, melatonin, antihistamine.

some of these supplements produce 'epic' dreams, where it's vivid, long and linear..

here's a good place to learn about lucid aids: http://www.dreamviews.com/f44/

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
I've been curious about Amanita Muscaria for a long time now but am pretty sure that it would give me terrible cramping and diarrhea since that is a problem for me in general. Maybe next time I am preparing for a colonoscopy, that would be a time when it doesn't really matter since I'm going to have cramping and diarrhea and cramping anyway that's the whole point of the prep.


A Muscarias might not be for you then heh, though the cramping/vomiting is only -terrible- when they are not prepared properly. I have wanted to -die- from ingesting them raw (they grow all over the fog woods where I'm from in WA) - the trick (after proper identification of course) is to heat them up over a campfire or in an oven, making sure to cut out and discard the stem and gills, basically most of the fleshy part of the mushroom goes, and make a 'cap tea' or just eat them. By heating them up/drying them out in the sun you're converting ibotenic acid to muscimol. Many people don't do this and in turn have very little desired effects and nearly poison themselves for a good 6 hours. I've once had 4 caps in a tea while out in the woods before a hike and had an amazing day without any cramping whatsoever, it really just depends on where the shroom is picked and how you prepare it, both determining potency of desired compounds.

Muscaria dreams are vivid though, I've always wanted to drink a tea and go to bed immediately.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Nope, when I drink kava can go to sleep it's like a time warp for me. I got to sleep and feel like I wake up 2 second later.The cool thing is I feel totally rested.