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Decreased Alcohol Tolerance?


Kava Curious
I love beer. I wish it were possible to drink good beer without the intoxication because I love it so much. I typically have a pretty high alcohol tolerance. Haven't been drinking at all lately on account of the kava but was near the liquor store and had a craving for something loaded with hoppy goodness. Bought a nice double IPA. Had two bottles over the course of a couple hours. Just 12 oz bottles. 8.6% ABV certainly bumps it out of session range but it's nothing obscene in today's market. After two bottles it felt like I'd had 4. Anyone else with a similar experience?

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
Probably just cause you haven't been drinking beer as much, that's all. I drink both at a pretty consistent pace, haha.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Kava does potentate beer, by about 300%. I'm not sure if build up of kavalactone receptors, of whatever causes the increasing sensitivity to kava over time, may have contributed, but I wouldn't rule it out.


Kava Enthusiast
I have totally noticed a decrease in alcohol tolerance. after a few beers and a few shots i was totally smashed the other night, and i usually have a pretty ok tolerance. I was thinking that since kava dehydrates the body, as does alcohol, and the dehydration of alcohol is what gets you drunk (i think?) that it has something to do with it.


Kava Enthusiast
Kava might effect the liver's ability to break down alcohol in the time frame you used too, so it's in your blood longer?


Kava Curious
Interesting. I took a day off from kava yesterday and cracked a few brews. Even though it had been 9 days since my last drink (a long time for me) my tolerance was normal. I will return to this experiment in the coming weeks and I'll try to remember to report back here.