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Powdered Kava Review Dehydrated Instant Kava Root Powder


Stay Rooted
{"Grade":10,"Potency":8,"Mind":8,"Body":6,"Anxiety":8,"Sedative":6,"Taste":"0","Preparation":"2-3 scoops in 12 oz bottle of cool water, shake and chug!","Duration":"4 hrs","SideEffects":"None noticed","Headline":"Dehydrated Instant Kava Root Powder"}
Tasty and easy to shake up a quick shell (or three). Serving size is one teaspoon with nice included scoop...I usually do 2-3. Mixes up very quickly (a true instant not a micronized). A nice, mellow taste, no stomach issues, a nice "anytime" Fijian instant. Great package( watch the powder likes to stick in back of scoop handle) Def buying again! Bula!