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Dermopathy Breakthrough


Kava Enthusiast
Ok guys, the dermopathy on my hands was getting insanely bad, to the point i had to take a break from daily drinking to try and fix it.I started using two new products and i'm not sure which one is working, but something is.Looking at my hands as I am typing this they have almost returned to completely normal skin, they were really leathery and cracking before.I started taking ceramide oil in a pill about 2-3 weeks ago, its possible that is helping but I would guess what is really working is a new lotion I started using.It is made for Psoriasis and Eczema its called Psorzema creme from Derma E.The stuff is amazing.http://www.amazon.com/Derma-8700-derma-Psorzema-cream/dp/B000FLGU30/ref=sr_1_sc_1?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1365751579&sr=1-1-spell&keywords=psorzamait looks expensive, but you only use a small pea size amounts a couple times a day.
the ceramides I am taking is:http://www.amazon.com/Life-Extension-Restoring-Phytoceramides-Lipowheat/dp/B004BHAJAE/ref=sr_1_1?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1365751641&sr=1-1&keywords=ceramides
my wife is so excited that i dont have 80 year old hands any moreI'll let you know if it lasts


Kava Enthusiast
Hey krunked Ive seen you guys mention that before but it had too many chemicals in it for my preference, this one is all natural. and i can say for a fourth day in a row without changing the amount of kava im drinking I have normal looking hands, so far it cured the dermopathy for me.

Andrew Procyk

Noble Kava
Kava Vendor
Glad you found something that works. Are you familiar with tamanu oil? It is another island product - totally natural, and amazing. You can get it from Volcanic Earth, coincidentally located right around the corner from our processing facility in Vila. http://www.volcanicearth.com/index2.html

I have been a drinker for a while, and got something BAD while in Vanuatu. Did not miss a beat, insofar as the drinking goes, and the condition was ameliorated after just 2 applications. Strangely though, I did not get it again, and I did not change my drinking pattern either. It just seemed to be a particular nakamal that totally lit my skin up. (Trunk up and down, ankles, etc. I still bear stretch marks from the incident! )

Can I ask how much you drink? Do you find that it waxes and wanes with your level of drinking, or with particular kavas? I get mild cases of it now and then occasionally, and it has only happened when I drink kavas out of the ordinary to me. I am beginning to think there might be credibility to the hypothesis that a snafu in the drying process leads to an opportunistic mold on the kava, which is the culprit. Thoughts?




Kava Enthusiast
Hey Andrew,

Ive been drinking daily for around 10 months now without missing a day until about 2 weeks ago. My skin started getting progressively dryer around the 7-8 month mark, then my hands started turning like rough leather and cracking , thankfully it didnt progress to the rest of my body. lotion sort of kept it at bay, but it didnt go away for several months, i drank several different varieties of kava, anywhere from 4-16 tablespoons a day (usually closer to 4-8)

this skin creme seems to have completely stopped it