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did i just make a big mistake?

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I'm pretty sure blue lotus is harmless. I bought a package because I like the Dead Can Dance song "the Lotus Eaters," and have wanted to try it since reading The Illiad.


Kava Curious
Oh Damn! I'm another victim of Kona Kava Farm! 
I've been using Maeng Da K@ before work, in small amounts: dismisses my tiredness and aches and pains so I can work my evening job. Cuz I'm getting old!  I've been using kanna on my days off from K@.  I found this German company that makes "energy snuff" and mentholated powder "snuff."  I mix it in with finely ground kanna and snort it. Privately of course, I don't want to have to explain "no, it's not cocaine, it's legal!"  Blue Lotus is incredibly subtle and not much use unless combined with alcohol-- although soon I'll try with kava!