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Digestive benefits and side effects of kava

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
For the most part, I think kava helps with the stomach cramps and joint
pain that I get from Crohn's Disease, but I think the more peppery kavas
tend to give me diarrhea and cause some cramping, and that is
independent of potency.  Kule'a Kava melomelo for instance, I'm glad
that I cut it with Mo'i, or it could have been really bad.  The first
time I got diarrhea several hours after drinking kava I thought it was
just coincidence as I also had some sort of virus, but this is the third
time this has happened.  Anybody else notice any digestive effects,
whether good or bad, from drinking kava?


Kava Curious
I actually came on here to talk about my stomach acid issues. I am supposed to take prilosec, but I am not sure if I should do that with kava. Kava seems to aggravate my stomach and I have a rather unpleasant peppery and acid taste in my mouth right now actually (although I also ate a fairly big meal after which tends to aggravate the acid, but it seems to do this somewhat regardless of whether I eat and I definitely have the peppery kava flavor added in)...


Kava Enthusiast
I suffer with acid reflux too, I find taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water is a better cure than any over the counter medicine I've tried. I believe ACV is meant to be good for IBS and other digestive problems also.


Kava Curious
I would say I am more regular now that I drink kava. For me, it isn't a severe effect, but it's definitely different.


When I first started drinking kava, or I should say, when I first started drinking kava more regularly, I had terrible digestive problems. I was drinking a combination of stone and solomon islands from n@h and man, I had diarrhea for weeks. Literally weeks, even after discontinuation. When I picked it up again probably about a month after that, the same thing occurred. I still drink stone every now and again, I wonder if it was the solomon that did it to me or if it's just something I went through in the early days until my body adjusted.

I suffer from acid reflux as well but my kava usage has not affected it at all.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
I think there are 3 things that are issues here: 1) insoluble fiber; 2) lubricant laxative; 3) irritants. The insoluble fiber I think I have worked out, I strain twice with a jelly strainer bag, then put the product through a Fijian strainer bag, I have also used cotton socks. I was just thinking that a Buchner funnel would be fantastic, probably too expensive but I'm going to look into it. Basically, it's a filter that you line with filter paper and attach to a vacuum, you need a special vessel between the funnel and the vacuum to catch the supernatant so it doesn't just get sucked into the vacuum, the ceramic ones are the best but probably especially expensive. I used Buchner funnels in organic chemistry. On point #2 the oily substances line the insides of the intestines, I can attest to this and not to be too gross but it is actually pleasant when it's not too much. This does make me think that fat soluble vitamin supplements, like E, beta carotene, and D3 would be a very good idea if you drink kava regularly as the kavalactones could hypothetically interfere with your ability to absorb these nutrients. It might be interesting to mix them into the kava after it's made if a bit gross, maybe there's a powder, not gonna touch cod liver oil that's a little too disgusting plus it contains heavy metals. Third, and I think the most difficult bit to identify and reduce, is the peppery nature of some of the kavas that is probably irritating to the digestive tract, that seems a very strain-dependent thing that you need to know about the different strains and read reviews to predict. It makes me think maybe I should keep a kava journal as I am trying things but it seems like a pain.

I tried 1/2 tsp of ginger powder in this last batch as ginger does seem to help my digestive system, I have used ginger beer to make kava before and it was really nice, also chai syrup, which contains ginger. I'd like to try some fresh ginger root soon. Stone is one that did make my guts funky for a couple days, Kule'a Farm melomelo mixed with Mo'i did to a lesser extent. Sarsaparilla could be nice, if you don't hate the taste of root beer. I have been trying chewing deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) chewable tablets, but they taste like blackstrap molasses, that is the worse taste than just the licorice (the purpose of removing the glycyrrhizin is that glycyrrhizin raises blood pressure, which would make it unsafe if you have high blood pressure).

Also, I take Nexium and haven't been worried about that but maybe I should be.  I switched to taking it in the evening rather than the morning, since overnight is when the acid reflux seems to be the bigger problem, not so bad during the day when I'm vertical.

I just ordered some dried Indian sarsaparilla root cut and sifted plus a sarsaparilla syrup for making rootbeer.  Should be kind of weird and possibly offensive to kava purists, but also an interesting experiment.

Ordered a Bel-Art Polypropylene Buchner filter for about $17 on Amazon, holds 315ml and uses 90mm filter paper.  They have larger ones, but they take odd sized filter paper that was hard to find vs 90mm is very standard.  Now to find a vacuum flask, a hand vacuum pump, and a rubber.


Kava Curious
I've tried ginger powder in kava and didn't enjoy it. Much better off imo make a tea with fresh ginger root for sipping between shells.


I've tried ginger powder in kava and didn't enjoy it. Much better off
imo make a tea with fresh ginger root for sipping between shells.
I do this with kavas more potent in DHM/DHK works like a charm to counteract the nausea I'll get, and seems to help the kava absorb in the stomach much better

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Kule'a Farm Fiji is one that definitely gives me massive diarrhea, I did 1:1 Fiji to Mo'i and it wasn't quite as bad but still diarrhea. I'm going to try ginger beer between shells, I do love ginger beer and get a taste for it from time to time. Medicinal herbs is a special interest of mine, I think as a result of my dad's interest in wild foods and botany. It has also become an essential survival skill when doctors have been unable to cure me e.g. migraines. I don't believe that naturopathic medicines are any less dangerous or safer than prescription drugs, and I don't mind taking prescription drugs, but having my head still hurt and also be too stoned to care or do anything just doesn't cut it for me. It's also about self reliance, if there is some sort of catastrophe I need to be able to treat myself relying on only the resources that I have at hand, plus that is how I hope to barter for other things that I need. I don't believe this apocalypse shit, but I don't believe that there is some cosmic entity out there making sure that Earth doesn't get hit by an asteroid or that a caldera volcano doesn't erupt either. Plus it is what my great-great grandfather did. I guess that insanity runs in the family.