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Disappointing results early

kl.c double

Kava Curious
My early prep was done with t-shirt fabric..girl is bringing nylon hose tmrw.. I mixed a cup of fiji waka with 8 cups h2O, got the tannish brown color, though perhaps there were not enough particles  floating as one may desire. Taste wasn't too bad. Got the numbing in mouth, but no real relaxation effects, after drinking 24-32 oz. I hope this is reverse tolerance and was partially expecting it. Maybe thats part of the problem.


Kava Enthusiast
I think it probably is for the most part, though my experience with a t-shirt straining was pretty much the same. I don't think it let through all that much of the good stuff.


Kava Enthusiast
Everyone gets disappointing results early on. I didn't start to really enjoy kava for the first month I drank it. I tried various vendors and such and just had to work through the notorious reverse tolerance phase before it caught. Also a t-shirt is the wrong way to go about it. One of the vendors I use kavabyrex recommends using a nylon pantyhose which has the right weave and works well, just busts through allot. Allot of vendors sell muslin bags which work good for coarse grinds and are useless for finer grinds. I recommend getting a Fijian strainer from paradisekava as theirs as perfect in every aspect.

kl.c double

Kava Curious
It took me a good 7-10 tries with marijuana. That was almost twenty years ago... but I'm ready for a bit of a long slog here, as I think the reward will be worth it.

Sorry that there are basically two threads running with the exact same topic...

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Not sure why, but it's been reported. Alcohol and ganja tend to dull one's ability to feel the effects of kava, at least until the soul habituates to it. I quit drinking about 3-5 months before I started drinking kava.

kl.c double

Kava Curious
I think.. I hope.. I am breaking through. I am feeling something possibly above threshold... and I do like the numbing effects as well. Im making another batch in hopes that I can get through this thing without a doubt.

I I I normally don't begin so many sentences with that letter..

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
c.dub... did I ever tell you about Papa's Favorite?

I call it that in honor of Papa John (pizza and politics aside). The owner's favorite pizza is a five-cheese pizza with sausage and peperoni. After charging us for a specialty pizza and two extra toppings, the woman let us know that next time there's a pizza called "John's Favorite," which is off-menu but loaded into their system, so we can order it and only pay the price of a specialty pizza.

John Bowman told me that his favorite kava is Black Sands with a teaspoon of Shaman mixed in. Judd of Bulah Kava House even has this as "on menu," with a suggesting that his instant can be used to enhance the effects of the beverage we prepare from roots.

I use this several times a year, maybe as much as 10, with good effect. It strongly enhances the auditory distortion effect, as well as the music euphoria.

So far, I have not watched an episode of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic on it, and I fear for my sanity if I did. One of the most synergistic combinations for me is Ponies and Kava. The kava increases emotional liability, empathy, and responsiveness, and the Ponies just play my heart like a fine-tuned royal instrument.

Keep at it. Don't go for krunk (although krunk is good... krunk is very good). Go for calm excitement, music euphoria, and pony responsiveness. You'll get there, I promise.

kl.Thunder Chunky

Kava Curious
Long time lurker, first time posting here but wanted to share my experience with getting over this RT.
I ordered Tongan Pride from KBR about a month ago, and I've been drinking a few shells every 2-3 days since. I prepared it the traditional way using a nylon pantyhose and soaking/kneading for about 20 minutes (1 1/2 cup to a gallon of water).
The first couple times I felt some slight relaxation, but that was about it. A week went by and I really wasn't feeling ANYTHING at all during each session. Then about 2 weeks in, I had a few shells on a completely empty stomach after going to yoga, and I experienced a serious head buzz, combined with total goodwill towards others and the desire to take my time doing everything (I've never eaten dinner so slowly and so intently). It was highly peaceful!
I'm not sure if the yoga had anything to do with it, but after a month in, I find that the empty stomach really makes a difference. I did the same last night with Tongan Pride on an empty stomach after work, and my mood completely changed from somewhat depressed and lethargic, to energized, motivated and focused. Music was a godsend.
I'm a sucker already for these high kavain types I think, but maybe that will change once I actually try some more types. Cheers everyone!


Kava Enthusiast
I wonder if there is something to physical activity before kava. Last night was the first time in a good while that I've worked out to any significant degree. I rewarded myself with a toss-n-wash of Vanuatu Super Epi from KT Botanicals. I was buzzing, and still feeling some after-effects today. My workout wasn't even that strenuous, and I had eaten more during the day than I tend to.