A lot of the reviews I've been reading online report very strong effectsA good summary of some of the contemporary research on rosenrot (as it is known as in Scandinavia):
http://examine.com/supplements/Rhodiola Rosea/
The effects are mild, but perhaps the putative MAO effects could be an issue with kava. Possibly its anxiolytic effect could synergize with that of kava?
I've heard 1000mg is good, I'm going to try that does next weekOk, I have a jar of Rhodiola Rosea. It has 3% Rosavins. How many do I take and when do the Hallucinations begin. Just kidding, I never got much out of it. What kind of effects should I be looking for and at what dose? I know Medicine Hunter is a fan of this Botanical. He takes it when he goes Surfing to fortify himself.