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doing the Fu'u!


Kava Curious
I liked Fu'u.  The kava itself resembled Isa/Tudei in color and consistency a bit, but while straining I noticed that much more of the kava remained in the strainer.  (Isa/Tudei is very fine and much is only caught in the second strain where I used a  nylon strainer I bought from kickback with kava).
The euphoria was nice and pleasant but not  Jimi Hendrix "Are You Experienced" kaboom of Solomons (which is probably a good thing).
I don't know if this is related to Fu'u per se as I switched to Isa/Tudei a while ago but I had a very obvious kava rash on my forearms from  drinking Wow! (and I love Wow! but facts are facts) and the rash has largely cleared up.  Maybe it was just because of the differences in the type of kava that Wow! is vs Isa/Tudei and Fu'u?
Anyway, Fu'u is now my kava of choice and  what I'll be drinking every day for the immediate time being.
take care

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Glad you guys like it. This is super high quality stuff coming organically grown straight from a family farm on Eua. Try preparing it with some Borogu sometime. The combo is super balanced and will knock your socks off!


Kava Curious
Just ordered me some Borogu.  Looking forward to mixing it with the Fu'u as you suggest.
How much should I use of each?  50% Borogu / 50% Fu'u?


Kava Curious
Right now I'm out of Fu'u (more is on the way!) and I feel like I'm "making due" with what I have lying around until the new stuff arrives. Yes, it's that good.


Kava Curious
I just drank 4 shells of the Fu'u / Borogu  blend that you suggested.  It's very, very nice.
This will now be my kava of choice.
I wish Portland wasn't so far away (from New England).
Thanks for the recommendation.
I may try a shot of green, but I am worried about the added carbs.  I am on a very strict low carb diet and I am already maxed out on my carb limit as it is.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Glad you like the combo.

No carbs in the green kava, Chuck. It's basically dehydrated fresh kava root juice, you're safe.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
That's great, it sounds like the Fu'u would be a winner for something that my wife might enjoy.

Just ordered the ceremony kit so I can get the nice shells, I'm trying to sample smaller amounts and a wide variety until I decide what I like or fall in love with a particular type.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
There's no doubt the Fu'u is a Vanuata, and taste-wise I found it rather bitter. However, I thought the scent and the aftertaste had some really nice sweet notes to it. Opening the bag and pouring out the powder I caught a hint of vanilla, which was rather pleasant.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
I did the Fu'u tonight at 2 Tbps per 1 cup liquid (rather than following the N@H Stone directions) and it's very nice, it had a light tan color to it and a mild earthy taste, seems like a great weeknight kava took the edge off but not much crunk.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Judd said:
Glad you like the combo.

No carbs in the green kava, Chuck. It's basically dehydrated fresh kava root juice, you're safe.
Judd when you say fresh, does that mean it's made from fresh kava root rather than powder?  That would also account for the green color, I've been reading that is something you typically get with fresh root but not dried and powdered.


Kava Curious
I had some Fu'u the other night. I think it smelled worse than the Borogu but it actually tasted kind of nice. Well, not that kava ever really tastes nice, haha. But it had a distinct, enjoyable flavor mixed in there with the bitterness.

It was very finely ground so I had to dig around for a finer filter (I just have the one that came with my Borogu ceremony kit) and wound up using a sock, which did alright, but I'm going to have to buy something better before I mix up another batch. It gave me a nice, very heady feeling. I think it would be even better mixed with the Borogu as suggested; I can see why that would be a great balance. I'm going to have to get some more Borogu soon...


Kava Curious
Gray Owl said:
I did the Fu'u tonight ...  seems like a great weeknight kava took the edge off but not much crunk.
Well, that all depends.  You can get a fine krunk going if you have enough.  I like to have a half-cup with two cups of water.  That does the trick!


Kava Curious
Steve973 said:
Gray Owl said:
I did the Fu'u tonight ...  seems like a great weeknight kava took the edge off but not much crunk.
Well, that all depends.  You can get a fine krunk going if you have enough.  I like to have a half-cup with two cups of water.  That does the trick!
That's the ratio I use (I've been making 1c kava to 4c water so I have some for the next day or two). And I definitely feel kind of high after a couple shells. It comes on fast, too!