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Drinker beware...found a staple in my instant


Just about drank it but it stuck to the lip of the cup.
Thought is was a bit of root at first but it was a dirty old staple.
Notified the vendor and am waiting for a response.
I'm paranoid now and won't drink my instant without digging through it to make sure it's clean.
Has anyone else had trouble like this?


The vendor was Vanuatu kava store. Product was quick kava premium.

I'm new to kava and I've been through about 50g of 100g bag this week trying to work out what kava is about.

I hope it's the only staple in the bag and I haven't swallowed any yet. In any case, I'm checking every spoonful now.

I'm sure it was an isolated case, and I don't want to cause any trouble for the vendor.

I'm still waiting for a reply from them.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
There were a few threads about them a while ago. Not all of it was positive.
I've bought lots of instant from Nakamal at Home and have never had anything like this. They seal there product in plastic envelope packets or aluminum tins. No Staples involved.


Yeah, I'm sure this isn't common. Things happen, but definitely, check those spoonfuls as thoroughly as you can!