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Drinking Kava with a straw?


Kava Enthusiast
So have any of you tried drinking kava with a straw?
They say if you drink alcohol through a straw it gets you drunk faster, and when I drank my fourth bowl through a straw last night, it seemed to be alot stronger than the last three. or maybe it was because it was my fourth bowl.. not sure. could be a placebo effect.

either way, just curious if anyone else has tried it.


Kava Enthusiast
not me. I really need to get kava down as fast as possible or else my gag reflexes kick in. In fact, I add a few ice cubes to each shell, the colder it's, the less I taste it.

Now, I do remember reading that somewhere they either hold it in their mouth before gulping it down, or I got it backwards and the last bit of the serving they hold... I assume the good stuff in kava is readily absorbed by the membranes in the mouth.


I never noticed a difference. I tried it once because that's what we'd always do when we were drinking, and decided to give it a go with a shell. No difference in krunkness for me, except for a less numb mouth if that counts for anything. I'll just stick with quickly gulping down big mouthfuls, I enjoy the anesthetic effects that give off.


Kava Enthusiast
really wasn't that gross.. kinda surpasses most of the taste buds if you put the straw back far enough .... probably good for some people who don't like the taste of kava. I personally don't mind the taste most of the time, but i think sometimes i might not want to have to taste it as much.

kl.Euphoric lemur

Kava Curious
"Putting the sucking end of the straw under your tongue, alcohol absorbs faster in your blood.

Same idea as taking nitro pills.

So yes, you'll get drunk faster using straw.

Another way getting drunk faster is simply rinse alcohol in your mouth before swallow.

The point is that in mouth, tissue is so thin and blood vessels are near the surface so alcohol and medicins soaks in easily."


In swedish we call straws "suck pipes". Maybe you can try to rinse around the kava in your mouth like it was listerin.
There is alcohol in listerin, isn't it? Hmmm...

"No. Alcohol does not care the method by which it is imbibed. It is not concentrated by drinking through straws. Assuming the same amount of alcohol is imbibed in the same amount of time through a straw as through regular drinking methods, the alcohol will not affect you differently in any way. Any difference in experience or in the degree to which one is drunk is purely psychological."