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Early success...now not much


Hi guys/gals...first post here.
I've been trying to experience Kava for a few months now, and have admittedly been inconsistent with my usage.  One thing to note though...the fourth or fifth time I ever tried it (BKH Melo Melo) I had an AWESOME experience, where I felt very inspired and creative and got a noticeable libido boost for several hours.  Every time I've tried it since then, I get a little light-headed, a little relaxed, and that's about it.  And even those effects go away pretty fast.  
I'm assuming it's my inconsistent use that's prohibiting me from repeating that great night I had, but I wanted to ask the more experienced Kava drinkers out there:  Is the boost in creativity/inspiration/libido something you guys feel on a regular basis when drinking Kava?  Or did I just get lucky?  I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to keep spending money and time on this..
Thanks in advance for any help or advice!


Kava Curious
I find i get a libido boost everytime I have a session. I also find now I get a great krunk on everytime provided I don't eat a lot, but also find i'm pretty lazy afterwords. I'm trying to limit my intake to 2-3 x per week as I was going pretty hard for 3 months straight. If I were you, i'd try different strains and see how they effect you.

I've tried now maybe 5-6 different kinds and find Paradise 9 year root and Kava by Rex ISA and Fiji waka work wonders.  I also like Bula's instant green. I add that to a session and get a real good turbo charged krunk on.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
In addition to agreeing with Deleted User, I would also advise more consistent drinking. Also, change cultivars from time to time. I always keep at least two cultivars around. I have two different bags of Isa, Fijian, Vanuatu, kava king chocolate, Paradise extract and Ozia lollies. The variety is helpful.

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Kava Enthusiast
A good way to go about kava drinking is not only drinking set number of shells within a set number of days, but taking the time to explore what strains work for you and it what ways. The way kava works is still up in debate for many root-heads and each of us react differently to different strains. While I prefer high DHM strains others prefer low DHM and high kavain strains. There is no right or wrong, only what works for you. Test your boundaries and the profile that calls out to you. For me it is N@H's stone or BKH's boroguro; though I keep van3 and wow on hand for social times, who knows what your perfect portfolio will be.