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Empty stomach, vs. Somewhat empty stomach, vs...


Kava Curious
Hey guys, 
I'm fully knackered, which inspired me to write this. So I tried out a new batch today (n@h's Stone). The only difference is that my stomach was completely, utterly empty (started off a bit early today, way before dinner). Sometimes by the time I get to start making, it's only about 3 hours after I eat, and the food still might be in there (I even take a medication that speeds up gastric emptying! Man, I have a slow system). Anyway, point being... Do any of you notice pronounced differences when imbibing on an empty stomach?? I got hit so hard with the effects I actually feel panic!


Kava Enthusiast
I find it differs for me from day to day. There have been days i've taken it on a fullish stomach and was really wrecked. Other times, last Saturday for example, I ate nothing all day specifically so I could get into a batch of isa. I took 2 table spoons full in my normal method and did not feel that much. I dont think this was the kava because a friend who i gave a similar amount to called me during the day freaking out about how good it was. The following day, I took a spoonful of paradise awa and one of black bag and then ordered a pizza. After eating  I honestly felt like I was on ecstasy. Very very krunked. So, I'm of the opinion that some food in the stomach is good. Taking on an empty stomach and then eating about an hour I think is where its at.


Kava Curious
I have gotten blasted on an empty stomache (hadn't eaten for 16 hours), I usually havent eaten for maybe 8 hours when I drink kava. I do think it is less effective on a full stomache however, there have been a few times where I didn't get too much effect at all.


Kava Enthusiast
I agree that it's less effective on a full stomach, but I very often will drink kava on a "somewhat empty" stomach and will eat a snack shortly afterwards with good results. Having a completely empty stomach amplifies nausea in my case but I get nauseous when hungry, even without kava.


Kava Enthusiast
I generally drink on an empty stomach and eat about 30 mins after most of the time. I find this method the best for effects and avoiding stomach issues. I also sometimes was not eating and having bad sides, which are due to hypoglycemia. I would be so buzzed I just didn't eat or feel like it, it kills my appetite for the most part.


Kava Curious
Interesting. So far I notice a huge difference when I drink on an empty stomach. Kava + food in stomach just doesn't feel right, anyway.


Kava Enthusiast
I have always found that it works better and kicks in much faster and lower doses on an empty stomach. I am typically an early morning kava drinking and session before eating anything and have usually not eaten for at least 12 hours and it usually works great. I have afternoon shells as well as late night insomnia shells that definately work, just not as quickly or nearly as potent. The only thing I've had that worked damn well on an full stomach was BKH's instant green, for whatever reason I had a tablespoon of that after eating diner before going grocery shopping and I was friggin wasted (my girlfriend was the one driving).


Kava Curious
I've been smoking it more than anything. I use only enough to fill a on hitter and it gives me a way better kava buzz than drinking ever did.

But, here's the downside... it's NASTY to smoke! :) COUGH!!! but worth it. :)

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I fast a continuous 19 hours a day, every day, so I usually have an empty or mostly empty stomach. At first, I didn't drink kava during my fast, but I realized it was injuring my Divinity, and not drinking kava whenever and wherever I want goes against Kastom.