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european countries (EU) which allow import of Kava-Powder?


May the Brew be with you
are here any other Europeans among us?
Kava as a medical product is still banned in Europe. But I think there are countries where the customs does not confiscate root powder. In Germany this seems to be an increasing problem.

@ the Kava vendoors here: what is your experience?

Obi Wan from Germany


Kava Enthusiast
As far as I know, Kava isn't actually a controlled substance in Ireland. When the controversy about the safety of Kava was brewing up in Europe, the food safety authority of Ireland advised Irish retailers to withdraw Kava from market, and those retailers voluntarily agreed to stop selling it.

So it's kind of a grey area here, but it's not explicitly illegal for Irish retailers to sell it (as far as I know), though none do. I'm almost certain that it's not illegal to import it.


May the Brew be with you
according to this thread in a drugs forum
it is also banned in Ireland, but obviously legal in a part of the UK (Wales). Maybe I should ask Prince Philipp how to get in contact with his son, the Prince of Wales (smiley: smile)

The question is, if a ban of Kava as medical product alsways mean that it is also not allowed to import the root powder.


Kava Enthusiast
Hmmmm, I'm still almost certain it's not illegal to buy it, or to import it here. But for sure the information available is very ambiguous. I think I'm going to email the Irish medical board and ask them for an answer. I've no idea if they'll reply, but I'll post it here if they do.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Hi there ~  my name is Steve and I sell kava kava candy online.  From a vendor side, it is tough to say what will get through customs and what won't.  I recently release the product at the beginning of the summer and have shipped to places like Canada, Germany, England, Ireland without any problems.  I did get a message from a customer from Germany saying the package got held up in customs.  After about 2 minutes of talking, they were given the package and off on their way.  For Germany orders, I am going to start sending the packs without the sleeve that says "kava kava candy" and package in a box.  Just little things to help customers as I do not want their shipment to get stopped for "candy".  Orders typically take about 10 to 14 days from shipment date to the customers hands.  Package to Vanuatu was there in 8 days and no problem with customs.  For powder it might be a little different so perhaps some root vendors can chime in if they get a chance.
For reference on the typical shipping policy feel free to visit:


May the Brew be with you
removing the sleeve could be a bad strategy. Then it looks like a medical product, and this will for sure got held up to identify what it is.

My package from you arrived yesterday. It had been opened by the customs, but obviously they thought it was chewing gum or something like this. The sleeve doesn't look like a medical product, even when the word Kava is printed on it.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
ObiWan - thanks for the tip and great point.  I actually just sent another package out to Germany and removed the sleeves and put another label on it that says Hawaiian Candy.   I am making notes of international orders so I can make it easier and less hassle for customers.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Update - I think it is really important to work with the vendor if possible when ordering international.  When I send kava candy packs, it is less nebulous than powder but still some precautions have been made in helping to make sure excess customs charges and delays do not happen for customers.

1) Ask the vendor if they can send it via commercial sample
2) Ask the vendor to not include the word "kava" on the outside of the package
3) Ask the vendor if they can keep the listed value low depending on country.  For example, anything over $10 in Denmark will get about $25 in custom charges/fees
4) Have not had any issues in shipping kava to Germany yet, but just keeping packing discrete - will update as I get feedback.
5) Kava to United Kingdom (including Ireland and surrounding) seems to not be an issue at all.
6) Orders via United States Postal Service - International First class are taking 10-14 days on average

If other vendors have some other experiences, please post so that we can all get a better idea of shipping kava kava products.  Thanks!



Kava Curious
Hi all Kava Enthusiasts,

I'm a newbie in real kava, reading the Kava Lounge since some days crisscross (smiley: smile)

For Germany there are the following limits to get the shipment tax and fee free - and without any customs inquiry (smiley: wink):

If declared as 'merchandise' the value should not exceed the amount of 22 EUR.
If declared as 'gift' the value should not exceed the amount of 45 EUR.

If the amount of the declared value exceeds these limits, customs require shipping documents at the outside of the package (easy to get to), which contain a billing to calculate the fee and tax exactly.
Without shipping docs the package will be hold up by customs and the receiver has to go to their office to present the billing and then to pay the fee/tax. Maybe customs open the package to look for the missing docs ...
That's all very uncomfortable for the receiver ... (smiley: frown)

At present I have three packages (from different vendors) hold up by customs ... one as 'merchandise' with a declared value of 40$ (limit 22 EUR), another one as 'gift' with a declared value of 54$ (limit 45 EUR - should actualy not exceed the limit, but customs seem to calculate the exchange on their own way (smiley: wink)), and the third one - as it looks like - without any customs declaration outside the package. All three have been ordered at different days, but came together due to different dispatch dates and different postal delays.

The reicever gets a notification from the postal service, that the package is hold up by customs and what to do. Enclosed is a copy of the package label/customs declaration label.

Tomorrow I'll contact the customs office by phone or email ... to ask what is wrong and for what they are looking for (smiley: wink)

(sorry for my poor English (smiley: embarassed))
yupp, same thing here - i'm one of the kava candy customers from germany :)

i'd say too leave the package and the label on, i'd say that's rather a benefit, the candies alone look (and feel!) like pill blisters.

the customs guy told me they sent it up to him maybe because they thought it where medications, so it's rather the term dietary supplement and that pill blister feeling that makes it hazardous - it was the postal service that handed it to the customs, in the first line because there was no value printed on the package, which seems to make it suspicious to them and looking like a try of smuggling in general. As far as i know the value + the postage fee together are not to exceed the 22, 45 limit. Yes, i know, "they sure are a little bit tricky" here, hooray for german thoroughness (elsewhere there's not much left from it, but regarding reglementing the lower end of the "order chain" - woohoo, hooray again)

I may be wrong, but i think, root powder shouldn't be that much of a problem, but i only received 2 packs yet. Sooner or later i will know more - and communicate it here, if there is interest!

Anyway, thanks, i'm glad this forum exists - and sorry for my english, too :)


May the Brew be with you
root powder is also a problem. There are reports in a german forum that the german customs has recently confiscated several kava packages from different vendoors. If the envelope contains the word 'Kava' (either in the customs declaration or in the senders's name) the customs will do a check. And even if the outside of the package gives them no suspect, they will open and check representative samples. Once the Kava is detected, the chance of getting it is very low.

The biggest problem is in my opinion that the customs officers (and their computers) have a good memory. The names of the few Kava vendoors should be well known in the meantime.


May the Brew be with you
Redfox, which customs office (town) is involved?
which were the vendoors? They should know better how to handle customs declaration.

You can wrote me a PN in german if you like. Maybe we are already in contact? I am "Angsthase" from the german Cysticus forum...


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Thanks for the tips to Germany.  I will keep the candy in the sleeves and make sure the declared value is below the amount that kicks in a custom charge.  Usually, the package is under the amount anyways as it is a lower priced item anyways but better safe.


Kava Curious
Just to confirm, the packages are not (yet (smiley: wink) ) confiscated by customs!
If the documents are "OK" normalwise postal service clears the goods and pays the duty ... and gets the money back at my door.
Otherwise postal service delivered the package to a nearby custom office of the receivers resident, and informs the receiver that he's to go there to clear the goods himself with the required documents (billing etc.).
But don't know what happens if customs see what is written in the billing ... (smiley: eyes)

I do not blame the "involved" vendors here ... (smiley: smile)
Maybe I'll contact them to keep them informed.

And you are right (cysticus) ... I'll contact you via email.
err ... just to make myself clear: i do not blame any vendors here either, in the end it's not their problem and how could they know what even "natives" are having hard times to find out about the strange ways of german "policy" or wossname ...

ah, btw.: i talked to a guy from france who said that to his knowledge kava was perfectly legal there, but i fear he's not much into kava, so this info may not be sure at all ...


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
I do think we "vendors" can get better equip to help customers in another countries..at least that is my goal.  Yes, it may not be our "responsibility" but if we take the time to figure out what is happening, then we can get products to customers and make them happy with less shipping hassle :)

Thus,  feedback here is really appreciated and very welcome!


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
I just sent a few cases to Slovenia so I will report back as well.  Just curious if anyone has had any luck either customer or vendor with Australia?


Kava Enthusiast
Steve said:
I just sent a few cases to Slovenia so I will report back as well.  Just curious if anyone has had any luck either customer or vendor with Australia?
I was chatting with the guy that does "one hour break" about a week ago who said he was having some trouble interpreting Australian law around kava. I think he had some problems selling there. The law is sort of vague. It states that people are allowed to import up to 2 kg, but is rather specific in its language that this amount be "carried by a passenger in their baggage". It otherwise states that imporation for "non scientific or medical purposes" is forbidden and monitored. The law is supposedly this way to "reflect the cultural significance of kava use by people
of South Pacific Islander descent". But it seems at the same time to state these individuals are not able to order it via the internet or have it shipped. Pretty weird.


meanwhile i received one more package with a sticker on it, saying "cleared through customs" (Zollamtlich abgefertigt) ...

I still don't get it - i'd simply ask, if i knew where to get a authoritative and funded answer