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Excellent Kava, the Old Roots Waka paired with Kava Vanua LAwena.


Kava Enthusiast
Bula!! I'm enjoying the roots as this moment is. Very fine,

This pot of kava, with lid, is great to stir up a bit with a fork, lightly, to add a full cup of water to. It's an excellent way for me to hydrate on a beautiful night.

especially due to my prep technique. For preparing tonight's Kava, I used a water filter which, it claims to "remove fluoride". I believe the word it uses is "eliminate". If it rips the fluoride out of my water, that sounds good, so I filled it with water and threw it in the freezer. Meanwhile I washed a cast iron pan, mug, whisk, pot, lid, and strainer.

Pan heated on stove @ med high and constant whisking. Kava was poured on a plate first, I used about 1.5 oz of the Lawena and an ounce or more of the fine Old Roots. I wanted a natural balance of lawena to waka as if I was preserving an essence of the plant. After 5 minutes of stirring in an emulsifying fashion with a whisk [washed w/ soap & peroxide, rinsed with hot water] the kava was warm.

For washing the strainer I used some peroxide, just enough to get it wet. It was stored clean and dry and didn't need that though I like the added touch and I rinse with water and dry by a heater.

I poured the kava into the clean dry strainer in a pot, then meticulously squeezed all the 'Awa out.
I washed the whisk, outside of strainer, my hands in that kava and ran it back through the strainer and squeezed in the water, before wringing out the strainer and putting it away.

I have enjoyed, so far, one full shell. I believe this is a traditional way to have Kava in Fiji. I'll be enjoying more of this before tonight ends. It's delicious, I'll be back to share more details.


Kava Enthusiast
Oh yes! Truly nice. I got the shell and kava back out less than ten minutes later for another full shell. With a whole cup of cold water. Fine flavor. woody smell. feels good in my belly. I've mixed this one 1/2 cup kava beverage to 1 cup water. and then one cup of that is my shell. Thank you for listening to my technique. Bula!