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Eye issue and Contact Lenses


Kava Enthusiast
Has anyone else experienced problems wearing contact lenses during constant kava use?I think my body is getting so dry that it is affecting my eyes.My contacts have been bothering me a lot the last few days

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Yes! I actually had to start wearing glasses. I was getting styes on a weekly basis. Probably the most painful side effect I've had.


Kava Enthusiast
crap, thats what i was afraid of, you ever find anything that helps? or did u see an eye doc about it?


I don't wear contact lenses, but I can't even imagine this! My eyes get bad enough when I drink kava too regularly, the addition of contacts sounds horrible (smiley: frown) Have you tried any moisturizing eye drops made specifically for contacts?

@kapmkrunk - I get styes all the time too, man they're a real pain in the ass.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Once it started, nothing really helped. I saw the optometrist and he prescribed me to some RIDICULOUSLY expensive anti-biotic/steroid eye drops. They work, but the problem kept turning up. Got glasses and since that day (knock on wood) I've not had any problem.

A stye would literally kill days of my week and they would happen so frequently I was at my end with it.


Kava Enthusiast
My eyes were really dry last week, which was a heavy consumption week. I don't wear contacts, but I can see how it would have sucked if I did. All back to normal now.


Kava Enthusiast
its strange, probably a coincidence but I took out my contacts for 2 days and the styes got worse.


Kava Lover
I don't wear contacts or glasses but I remember I used to get this blurry vision when I drank kava and it pretty much went away (or I just stopped noticing it) when I started drinking more water.


Kava Enthusiast
Krunkedout said:
I don't wear contacts or glasses but I remember I used to get this blurry vision when I drank kava and it pretty much went away (or I just stopped noticing it) when I started drinking more water.
I still get that on occasion. Maybe three times in a year of drinking kava, only once in a significant way. With my recent eye soreness I didn't get that. You would think that they'd coincide.


Kava Curious
Can't say I can report anything significant (I wear daily disposable contacts whenever I go out). Some days my eyes feel dryer than others, but thus far (perhaps because I didn't see this thread 'til now, ha ha), I haven't made any correlation between kava use and eye dryness. I'll keep an eye out, though. (Pun only kind of intended!)

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I just remembered what he said. I just posted in the "kava allergy" thread. My optometrist told me to start taking Nordic Naturals® Omega-3 supplements.