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I Love Kava Friday F-R-I....DAY!


Kava Enthusiast
Excellent! Friday! On and off storms here have finally put an end to unseasonably warm, dry weather. I have Squanch today in my plastic gardening jug. Plants have enough water, time to repurpose the jug haha! I'm eating rather light today, had plenty of cold water and just one shell. It wasn't too strong - it was easy drinking kava, yet improved my mood and extended my patience. I finally ordered a new kava strainer - been using one with a couple holes in it for a while. If you freeze your strainer full of roots then rip them out in a hurry one day that can be one reason to add holes to a kava cloth, another being squeezing too hard. This is Fijian kava and I ordered the Silese next. Been wanting to try Tanna Pia, yet it seems I have a little more looking around to do to see if there is any difference between brands. I really liked the Santa Cruz which went quick, the LoLoMa Waka was a nice filler-kava, in between orders of single cultivar. Squanch is refreshingly strong in effect while being light on the taste, creamy and yes, cashewey! Looking forward to hearing from others how their Friday Funday is going! Bula!