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Fancy-pants Kava Cup


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I got an early birthday present from my mother. It's a hand made kava cup! I remember reading a while ago about Adil's tiny kava cup and thought something like that would make sense for me since I drink such a small amount of kava at a time. I mentioned to her the idea of making a tiny cup for one of her first projects and here it is. (she's taking a pottery class at the local community college)
It holds a Maximum of 2.5 oz. (74 ml) but it's really easy to spill when topped off. Still, at 2 oz. per fill it's perfect.

The crappy camera I had on hand doesn't capture it but the glaze looks like really dark coconut shell  that's been glossed over with abalone shell mother of pearl. 
I had to baptize this today so I took out the good stuff I've been saving and filled it up with some Paradise Hawaiian.(smiley: pimp)

Due to the handmade nature of the cup, it's small size and the slippery glaze it takes some skill to drink out of it without dumping it on the table.(smiley: laugh) I'll probably glue rubber sheet on the bottom later on so it's easier to keep a grip on. *does not want to break it!*
I asked my mother "So...if I show this on the forum and other people want one to...what should I tell them? hmm?" She just laughed.(smiley: grin) I'm sorry! I just like it...a lot!(smiley: roll)

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Love it! The lighter edge on the inside really looks nice. Especially when full of kava. That's excellent.


I'll pay for one of those! haha

That's awesome man, really. My niece once made me a coffee mug in her art class. The little things like that stay close to your heart forever...


Kava Curious
Darn, I knew I should have paid more attention in craft class, that is pretty cool. Wow kava, a great shell, plus a mother's love - can't get much better than that! (Thumbsup)


Kava Lover
Man I wish I had a cool mom like that! Mine is very uneasy about kava and how much I consume and is practically convinced I'm destroying my liver.