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Feeling of large lump in the stomach/windpipe after kaolik...is that gerd?

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Kava Curious
It was really quite unpleasant. It came on when effects were peaking and subsided once effects wore off.

In hindsight I think Ive noticed it before when I took too much kava.

I only had 5 grams of kaolik but it was pretty strong and when it was peaking beside that feeling there was the dull headache and beginings of dehydration the other telltale signs of too much kava. Didnt notice it with nene tho- altho had different unpleasnat effect from that as noted.

Is there a way to avoid that feeling as its really not nice it crushes any good feeling really and I wasnt really that rooted. I had a nice buzz but I could take 15 grams of nene without issue (apart from the unrelated negative side effects which came after). I could take less but I wasnt really rooted. What i mean is there wouldnt really be any window between an effective dose and that negative side effect. It seemed directly correlated to the psyho active effect.

I notice that kaolik has a load of kavain vs nene which doesnt maybe that was what caused it.

Perhaps another strain for the scrapheap. I might scrap heap kava altogether as the negatives outweigh the positives in one way or other.

So is there any remedy for the lump in windpipe feeling? I actually really dont like haivng to 'push down' negative side effects better to avoid them, but the only way i can see to aovid would be to dose lower and as I said I didnt have that big a dose to begin

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I suffer from gerd daily, and if you're like me, that feeling in your windpipe is actually the numbing effect of kava if it's being refluxed from your stomach. Over the years I've just lumped that effect in with the general effects of kava.

Edit: also I need to think about setting up some sort of trading system for people to sell their kava they didn't like.


Kava Curious
Doesnt sound like that. It feels like a stomach ulcer actually. Like its red raw down in there or like someones fist is inside it.

I dont know if it would be an ulcer since it settled down as soon as the kava wore off but i still feel it a bit now.

PS good idea about making a kavabay :)


Kava Curious
Hmm i was jsut thinking a likely scenario is that its a stomach ulcer.

And i think the main catalyst is this super strong jerk vege meal i made the other day. I used a tablespoon and a half of the jerk paste and my whole body was burning all day especailly my stomach!

So whereas it might not have set off that day I think the kava might have pushed me over.

That is my likely surmise anyhow.

In future im gonna use the stocking straining trick to get rid of more of the particles cos i just used a tea strainer til now.
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