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Finally drank kava with someone else


Kava Enthusiast
After drinking kava solo for about two years, I finally got a friend to try it with me today. We each had 2 cups of KavaKwik’s unflavored daytime instant (1 scoop per cup) and played guitar for about 2.5 hours. What a cool experience. He said he felt relaxed and enjoyed it and is open to drinking and jamming again. Hopefully with future sessions, he will know for sure whether he truly feels the effects or not. I have some flavored Kavakwik on the way - I think that’s going to be the best way to go get friends/family to give it a try.


Kava aficionado
After drinking kava solo for about two years, I finally got a friend to try it with me today. We each had 2 cups of KavaKwik’s unflavored daytime instant (1 scoop per cup) and played guitar for about 2.5 hours. What a cool experience. He said he felt relaxed and enjoyed it and is open to drinking and jamming again. Hopefully with future sessions, he will know for sure whether he truly feels the effects or not. I have some flavored Kavakwik on the way - I think that’s going to be the best way to go get friends/family to give it a try.
That's pretty cool. Over the years I've tried to introduce first family members and then friends. I only got one friend in all that time to fall in love with kava like I did. We used to spend late afternoons in his porch, brewing Squanch waka (I introduced him to Squanch waka and he never thought anything else was better, and I tried lol.) Damn shame he moved to Spain but he got married and life goes on.. :)


Kava Curious
I play in a 5 piece band and am proud to say I have the other 4 drinking kava pretty much every practice, so once a week. Some were not too sold on the taste at first but they all like it now. It is a great opportunity for me to brew a giant bucket of headier Kava bc i usually drink alone and later at night so i lean heavy. Only one of the guys acutally bought some and started brewing at home but they all do look forward to Kava Tuesdays in the studio! Fun to share this awesome plant that so few people know about.