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Kava Preparation Finally turning the prep corner and putting time into it


All Hail Leon
So, I've been doing traditional prep for about a month and a half, and up until this point I've been doing little bits at a time, like 2 tbsp for 2 washes (about 10 minutes of kneading per wash), and I felt like I was going through my kava really fast. SO, today I took some time, sat down for about an hour and kneaded 4 washes of 3 tbsp. of Mo'i, combining the result of each into a jar, which I then chilled for about another hour. When I took it out, I shook everything up and drank it half at a time. Second half about 15 minutes after the first.

The results are awesome! I feel like I got a lot more bang out of this batch, and I think a lot of it had to do with taking the time to concentrate on the prep instead of trying to rush it so I could slam it down. I feel like the kava itself might be respecting my time investment and concentration, if that makes any sense...

So for those who may be feeling like traditional prep is not doing much, I'd say carve out some time, put on Netflix or a podcast or something, and just get into kneading that batch until there's nothing left coming out into the water. You'll be pleasantly surprised at the strength of your grog. ;)


Kava Enthusiast
nice! i always do at least 2 washes for a combined total kneading time of 45 minutes to an hour and blend the washes like you did. except i pour myself a jar of the first wash to drink while i am kneading the other 2. i like drinking warm kava


exit stage left
I'm too impatient, I do one wash and only a short time, it starts to feel like woodchips after about 5 minutes. Two washes like that of just under 2 tablespoons each are more than enough for me.


I'm interested in things
I know what you mean. I felt the same difference after I got my bionic hand. But seriously @Jonathan and @tomkrat -- an hour: that's a lot of kneading. I usually do 10 minutes. I should try that sometime (when I have time)

Kava Steve

You should try a blendtec or vitamix blender they are the same blenders used by companies like Jamba juice... I hit the "soup" mode twice before straining this heats it up to about 120 degrees and beats the kavalactones into the water not much kneading required then off to the fridge... Works like a charm