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Kava Enthusiast
How I see it, and how it just naturally pans out for me wrt possibility and decision making, in my life, with Kava- choosers CAN be choosers lol!

Today, I prepped the same delightful mix I enjoyed yesterday- 50/50 Kadavu (ArtofKava) and Tongan Family Reserve (TKR).

It’s a wonderfully synergistic combination of Kavas. I have no idea which kava I will go to the next day.

I often have no idea opening the cupboard, even 5 minutes later still deciding haha, not joking.

I’m far less fussy and conscious deciding which jar of weed I will vaporize from.

I have I guess a dozen separate open Kavas or just under. I rotate constantly.

But I so enjoyed this new combo yesterday, the effects of a refreshing, heady Tongan with the mentally calming, relaxing Kadavu, I told my mum to try it last night (she did) so I went for it again this morning.

It kind of suits all occasions, while neither Kadavu or Family Reserve individually necessarily do for me.

Nov 2019 I used a pound of GKE Malekula Magic, opened, unused, non air tight tub for 5 years.

Well it worked just as I expect kava to work.

The noticeable difference between absolutely fresh, and not quite, is possibly more significant than kava a year on?

I saw Henry though, new processing and on-island packaging process to ensure the most optimum freshness, including the Instant.

So, by taking that step, I think it’s feasible you would notice the difference.

But the open Kavas in my cupboard, I don’t expect to notice any observable loss in in 5 or 6 months time.


Because "Shell Silverstein" was already taken
Dose anyone else agree, never have two different bags of kava opened at the same time? The idea here is the unopened bag of kava will stay fresher.
I usually have multiple bags open. I mix and match, often during a session or in the same batch. I also tend to read 6 - 8 books at once. I don't recommend that. Horribly inefficient.


Magnum's 'awa drinking bird
once the bag is opened it exposes the kava to the atmosphere and starts to then loose it’s freshness
In theory, yes. But practically, no. As long as you store every bag correctly (as Edward explained) and you're a regular kava drinker (so the bags won't sit around unused over several months or even years), the kava won't survive long enough to experience any loss in potency.
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Ok I think I have the answer I was looking for. More than one bag can be open at the same time as long as there is a label on the bag that says the opened on date. That way you know which is the fresher bag.


Magnum's 'awa drinking bird
Ok I think I have the answer I was looking for. More than one bag can be open at the same time as long as there is a label on the bag that says the opened on date. That way you know which is the fresher bag.
Sure you can do that if it makes you feel better, no harm in applying a label. Storing it in a good container or closing the bag as air tight as possible is far more important. The kava will be completely fine at least for 6 months after opening.
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Magnum's 'awa drinking bird
I want to add that I strongly advise against leaving a bag of kava opened for too long. Not only could it potentially expire (depending on how well it's stored), which could upset your belly (or worse), but the kava also gets really sad and upset. You don't want that. By nature, kava wants to be a happy root. Always treat your root with respect and care. Make sure it feels comfortable. (Of course, the same also applies to other kinds of "roots".)
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Kava Curious
I probably have too many bags open right now.... better get to drinking them! How long will it stay fresh in its original bag (assuming you zip the top as well as you can?)


Kava Lover
Dose anyone else agree, never have two different bags of kava opened at the same time? The idea here is the unopened bag of kava will stay fresher.
Sorry but nope. At any one time I usually have 3-4 kavas in rotation. Sometimes heavy, sometimes heady, sometimes mixed - all depends on my mood, time of day, and what is going on. Do I want to veg on the couch? Am I headed out and want to be social? I also enjoy and feel like I get more out of my kava when I switch between different kavas. Almost like my body gets used to a kava and it doesn't hit quite the same after a few days use in a row.

Kalm with Kava

Kava Vendor
I tried like 15y old kava from an opened bag and there was no potency loss.
If anyone has a super, super old bag of kava lying around, I'd love to get 1/4 a cup of it and send it out to my lab. I'll take care of all of the costs and make the results public. I've heard that kava loses potency sitting around for a while, but I've never seen data to actually substantiate it. Looking at you @Kapmcrunk


Position 5 Hard Support
If anyone has a super, super old bag of kava lying around, I'd love to get 1/4 a cup of it and send it out to my lab. I'll take care of all of the costs and make the results public. I've heard that kava loses potency sitting around for a while, but I've never seen data to actually substantiate it. Looking at you @Kapmcrunk
Does it matter what brand of kava you take? I swear the kava vendors like you that actively participate on the forums drink stuff from their competitors at least a few times a [insert period of time here]. I may have some really old bags.

Jacob Bula

I find it hard to have an open bag of kava laying around. It was the same way with beer with me. If a container is open, its's going to get drunk until its empty. I still usually have around 2 open at a time, but they both get used up A$AP.