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First Kava Session


Kava Curious
Hi folks, have been lurking for a few weeks and finally received some micro waka from bhk. Took a tbsp.in 4oz of water ove r the course of about an hour - drank 1/3 waited 20 min, drank 1/3 waited 20 min, drank the rest. Have a slight heady buzz, relaxed, Christmas tree lights are quite sparkly. The flavor wasnt quite as bad as I had expected (certainly not as bad as goldenseal) and the numb tongue and lips was interesting but not too enjoyable. I'm considering taking a bit more here in a little while.

Based on some forum posts here I did my best to strain even though it was micronized. Kind of a frustrating process so I may just try to wash and toss this next round. Happily not experiencing any reverse tolerance (or at least not aware of any) but perhaps I might next time.

Thanks for all the great info you folks have stocked up 'round here. Very helpful.

@Deleted User I'll have something headed your way soon.


Kava Curious
Thanks @Vekta
I had a second dose a couple of hours after the first, 2tsp of micro mixed with 4oz of water. I didn't notice any additional effects but did let it sit for a bit before drinking and did not consume the sludge at the bottom. Any drinkers of bhk 11yo waka strain? I tried the first go 'round but gave up for the second (which is why I left the sludge at the bottom). I didn't have any nausea during the evening but do have some I digestion this am. That could be a result of the munchies I had around the 2-3 hour mark which was an interesting side-effect...

Thanks again for all the great info and thanks to @Kalm with Kava for the contest entry :)

Deleted User01

Welcome to the Forum @ulaar. People will strain Micronized for two reasons. First off, their GI system cannot handle the extra fiber. Second, they hope to get rid of the unwanted fibers call Macas. I'm not sure if BHK removes the Macas but I know GHK does because they advertise it so that is what I buy. I would say 80 percent of my kava drinking is Micronized and I get no bad side effects like nausea. I like your description about the Christmas Lights looking brighter. It would appear that you have no reverse tolerance for sure.


Kava Curious
Thanks @Deleted User01 removal of the makas was what I figured the straining was for (kind of a frustrating step though if you are purchasing micro for convenience sake). On another note is there such a thing as a kava hangover? I was under the impression there was not but I felt pretty poorly this am. Discombobulated, clumsy, and thick headed. I felt nicely clear headed when the kava wore off but today (and it lasted all day) not so much...

Deleted User01

Not all micronized Kava has Macas. And not all Kava will give you a hangover. Typically, Nobel Kavas do not give you any bad effects.


I personally don't care for BHK's 11 year waka and think that their Nangol is by far a happier and more uplifting kava.


Ive tried the 11 year a few times at the kava bar near me. It's the only kava that's served there and I'm wondering if the bar is owned by the same person who manufactures the kava. It makes sense given that most bars serve more than one variety and this bar only sells one. Anyway, I think it may start off as slightly social but 3 + shells is where it turned an ugly corner. I felt annoyed, unsocial, intolerant and definitely in some sort of kava hole. The second time I tried it , the dosage was a strained 7 tbs in two cups of water. Definite strong heady, almost giddy effects which tapered into the same results as the previous session by the end of the second shell - an hour into it.

Nangol was a different story. More uplifting right from the start. Happy , social, talkative and .. dare I say, sexual kava. No morphing and no weird comedowns. Just a good time kava. Of course, that's just my experience. Apparently the 11 year has a strong following. I'll pass that up for Nangol each and every time though.
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