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First shells after year or so

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Drinking some shells of HKC Tuday after more than a year.  Last time I had kava I had a pretty scary puffy red rash, that time I think it was unstrained Vanuatu just pouring the liquid off the top.  So, this is the test to see if I get a rash--like an immediate all-over puffy allergy rash a few hours later, not the normal psoriasis-like kava rash.  This time I did my normal double straining--once with coarse jelly strainer then again with a fine nutmilk straining bag.


Kava Enthusiast
Good luck with it, hopefully you'll have no adverse effects and can indulge once again. Let us know how it goes. Slightly OT, but is your reverse tolerance back again after taking such a long break?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Gray Owl! *LEG HUG*

...I mean uh hi.... *shoulder pat*....um...carry on...(smiley: grin)

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Wow. Gray Owl. Welcome back. Haven't seen that screen name in a fortnight or twenty.


Kava Curious
I hope it goes well for your Gray Owl. I had a run-in with a red, rashy, itchy skin thing about 6 months ago. I laid off kava for a couple weeks, then eased back into it (always careful to fully strain), haven't had a re-occurrence yet. *fingers crossed*. I also have added a regular coconut milk habit, which is supposed to be very hydrating.

Good Luck!

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Bummer, dudes, my face got itchy about 12am I didn't think it was too bad, and not anywhere else on my body. BUT my wife was like, "What happened to your face???" Red, puffy cheeks across the bridge of the nose, like a malar rash, and forehead, it looked like a time when my wife had a reaction to penicillin. Benadryl cream stops the itching, but my face still feels hot like I have a sunburn, and I was definitely not out in the sun yesterday at all. I may try again periodically, try a finer strainer, or maybe stick to instant that seems to be OK. Oh well. My immune system is pretty aggressive so it's not the first time I developed an allergy to something new.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Did you try something other than HKC tudei? That stuff caused enough harm in the way of side effects to cause me to consider quitting all together until I changed types.