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First Time Kava for Two

Hey guys! I ordered my first kava from BKH, and I am pretty excited. My wife will be partaking with me and

I was planning on using the 1 Cup kava powder to 3-4 cups water. Is that the recommended dose for 1 person?

I was just wondering if I should use two cups kava powder to 6-8 cups water for the both of us...

Thanks in advance guys, and sorry if it is a dumb question.


Kava aficionado
Hi there, welcome to the forum :), I personally would recommend a cup of root for the both of you, a cup per person per serving seems a bit strong, specially BKH, his kavas are potent from my experience.

My take on it is start lower and adjust accordingly from there. You can always make more if you feel the need.
I did a cup for both of us and we only could finish half! It was very potent and pretty cool, I think it might have been made more potent by a supplement I'm on though. Thanks for the advice guys, I love kava now ::shell::::chugger::::zilla::