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First Time with Kava


Hi all, I've never tried Kava before, however it sounds awesome and I totally want to try it. I'm ordering my first batch of Kava soon, and my boyfriend and I will be trying it for the first time together. So I have a bunch of questions...Which kava should I try first? Should I expect to feel anything the first time?...when (what session) did most of you remember feeling Kava's effects? Will having stronger Kava the first time make me feel something the first time? or is that a bad idea? Has the taste of Kava grown on any of you? Any particular suggestions for lighting/music? 

I'd also like know about anyone's first time experience with it, as well as the first time they felt euphoria.


Kava Curious
I would start with nakamalathome's black sand kava. Not crazy strong but def good in effects and taste. dont expect to be sailing out to see the first 2 or three times, you'll probably get the numbness and mild relaxation. I really felt it to the point where I was having trouble walking on maybe the 5th or 6th time. Kava is something you must "earn" in a way. I wouldn't recommend stronger kava the first time as its just as likely to give you stomach pain, but thats not always the case so its up to you, but I would go with a daily drinking variety. The taste has grown on me for sure but every now and then I sniff a shell and just shiver but Its not terrible by any means, and some kavas taste good. Dim lighting/relaxing music. Ukulele music is always good but really whatever you're into thats mellow.

My first time I didn't feel much except a slight numbness, I tried different methods and ratios when making it a few times and around the 5th or 6th time is when I really noticed it. Its hard to describe the feeling, but you'll know when you get there. The more you drink kava the more noticable the effects become. anyway happy drinking bula!


Kava Curious
Defiantly do not try to go for the strongest kava out there, You will probably just get sick and not enjoy the experience at all. I would go with a Mild Kava that is easy on the stomach and high in Kavain (the happy feeling Kavalactone) I am still waiting for my Malekula Magic from Vanuatu Kava Store , but I think this would probably be a good 1st time kava. I would also recommend using an immersion blender then hand straining it for me it boosted the effects 100 fold.

start slow spacing your shells 20 mins or so apart at-least till you know how it effects you, and never mix with alcohol or pills!


Kava Curious
No I think it would be about the same, I just think the Immersion blender is a lot easier to clean. I just rinse it off and dry it with a paper towel after mixing for a few minutes. that and the blender we had broke awhile ago :D


Kava Enthusiast
cj101, I would also recommend Malekula Magic and Black Sands, Magic is better. For me the euphoria is a hit or miss, setting plays a good part. Stone and Solomon kava is more of a hit, maybe cause I have been drinking kava for a while now.


I ordered the magic last night, so as soon as I get we'll be trying it out! I plan to make a journal of my experiences with it as a first timer. I wonder if the kavasseur blogger has written about his first experience with it. That would be cool. I might try the blender method if I can find directions for it somewhere...with specific measurements to use and what not. For now I'll try the most common method.


I ordered the magic last night, so as soon as I get we'll be trying it out! I plan to make a journal of my experiences with it as a first timer. I wonder if the kavasseur blogger has written about his first experience with it. That would be cool. I might try the blender method if I can find directions for it somewhere...with specific measurements to use and what not. For now I'll try the most common method.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
My first experience with Kava (I am the Kavasseur blogger, by the way) was with some instant Kava powder about 12 years ago. It was called "Kava King" and they had an original, mint, and chocolate flavor. I fell in love with it right away, but didn't really "get it" until I tried ground root about two years ago. The first time I blogged about Kava I think it was Black Sand, or something like that. It should be on the Kavasseur blog. I have also tried different capsules (didn't like any of them) and a lot of teas with kavalactone extracts. The only one I was impressed with was Yogi Tea, which I sometimes put a Amazon.com link up for on my blog. That tea tastes great and definitely has a nice little effect. But nothing comes close to a full bowl of Malekula Magic or, even better, Hiwa or Pacific Waka Kava.


I received my Kava (Malekula Magic) today! (10/12/2010) My boyfriend and I will be trying it for the first time! I'm not expecting much as far as effects go but it I will definitely write about my experience with it :) I ordered it from the Vanuatu store last Wed. (10/6/2010) and it arrived so soon! I was really surprised. Okay I'm off to get some strainer bags and make some Kava! Bula!

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
Interesting that VKS gets their Kava out so erratically. Weird. Some get it fast, some get it unacceptably slow. I love Malekula Magic, as I'm sure you will. It will be exciting to hear your thoughts on it.


Soo...the first time I tried it, nothing happened (as expected). The taste was tolerable, but not great. It was sort of like soapy water flavor wise. The second time, I felt kind of chipper, but that was about it. The third time, woooooah. My body felt really heavy, but in a good way...it felt like a very earthy high. My body felt very low and grounded, like it wasn't going anywhere in a hurry. I hadn't eaten in several hours, so my stomach felt a little funny. It was interesting to have my mind intact but my body not totally cooperating when I tried to do things like type, walk etc. My boyfriend had trouble feeling much until after we ate a late dinner.I was surprised that the feeling had been fading and my hunger pangs were kicking in, and then after I ate the high came back! I guess I really needed to eat lol. I felt drawn towards music that was fluid and tender, and dim lighting. Sitting felt awesome! I didn't really want to move, neither did Allen. I was used to drinking alcohol, and the horrible nights sleep that would tend to happen from drinking, so I wasn't expecting to sleep very well. But I slept like a baby! So did Allen, which was fantastic since he had been having trouble sleeping the last few nights. I found it interesting that I felt more focused when on kava. Usually when someone is smoking pot, they lose clear focus, their eyes glaze over, and they space out...one is relaxed by kava, but also seems to center one's vision and thinking processes. Of course, this is just my first impression. I woke up this morning feeling a little dehydrated but tha'st about it! It was really cool. I think I'm going to try some different recipes to make it more palatable, and review those on this site. What I really loved about kava was that it left my brain intact. With alcohol and most other drugs, having too much of it can make you do things you didn't mean to do, or say, and then you have to live with it the next morning. I think kava is so unique in that it doesn't change your behavior radically, your just yourself, with really relaxed muscles, a chipper mood, and some contentment thrown in. SOOOOooo...what do you guys suggest for our next kava?


Kava Enthusiast
That's a great report cj101. Magic is pretty tasty relative to the other kavas I hava had. How much root to water did you use? Also, the empty stomach is key for effects, try not to eat 5 hours before drinking. When kava hits my stomach, it acts like an appetite suppressant, no hunger pangs for me. I usually eat an 40min to an hour after drinking.

I like to chase it with either a little lemonade or orange soda. I read somewhere to squirt a little lemon in the shell, haven't tried it yet. Honestly, when I read recipes online with chocolate mix and such, I would imagine it would make the sick feeling worse. It probably works when you use a little root.

I'm not sure what I would recommend next, I like solomon and stone, taste wise they are ok but feel very different than magic.


Kava Enthusiast
oh yea, dropping a few ice cubes in the shell helps alot, I don't know if this needs to be said, but remove them before gulping down the juice, you don't want anything to slow that flow :)


Kava Curious
I like magic more than any others I have tried as its a lot smoother ride, Stone and Solomon can hit me to hard and seemingly differt times each time I had them , they also where harder on my stomach. if you want something more intense than magic go ahead and try them or maybe a PNG kava or something, read the reviews on Kavasour and figure out which one sounds best for what your looking for.

A sample 10gram pack for each you and your boyfriend of Shaman instant kava from Nakamalathome may be worth a shot.