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Flying with Kava


Kava Curious
I am going to be flying next week and would like to take my 125g's of Shaman from Nakamal @ Home with me. Has anyone had problems traveling with Kava?
My initial reaction would be to put the Kava in the checked baggage. I know its legal to have i'm just wondering if anyone has had a difficult time the TSA since they may not be familiar with Kava as a supplement.
Your comments are greatly appreciated.
By the way... This shipment of Shaman instant kava is pretty dang strong. But it seems to come on slower than other kavas at least for me.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I've never had any problems. I fly all over the world and currently live in Ghana, West Africa. I have a big bag of Tongan and 100 % Awa from Paradise.


Kava Curious
I've flown with kava in the US many times, just leave it in the original package with the label and you should have no problems. I prefer to travel with instant kava or paste due to the smaller size, plus it's less likely to require an explanation at security.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Check out the legal status of kava for the country you'll be visiting. I've got enough kava in my fridge to be arrested in Australia.