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Food and Bula Kava House


Kava Curious
So, poking around the website just out of general interest of what a modern American Nakamal would be like, and I noticed that food is sold.

Given the generally accepted idea that an empty stomach is best for Kava, how does this work? Are the people served Kava, and then food a half hour (or something) later? Or is the food just brought out as it is ready? 

I'm not being a critic. I'm just interested.


Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Kava is more potent on an empty stomach, but it still works with food in it. Most of the Nakamals in Vanuatu usually serve some basic food as well, such as steamed yams and taro. The Vanuatu people actually feel that following up a few shells with a small meal may intensify the effects. Nonetheless, about 90% of our sales are straight traditionally prepared kava.


Kava Enthusiast
I always like to have a small snack after I drink a bunch of kava.

Always seems to settle my stomach if I drink too much or it was harsh to get down.