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Food safety & Kava


Kava Curious
I guess I'm wondering what capacity root powder has to make you sick. Is it the same as anything else? I know if you keep it in the fridge over time it'll lose potency, but when does it go bad?
I've gotten forgetful on occasion and left damp root powder sitting in a muslin bag overnight. I like to save used root for second extractions, and wonder at what point this could be a problem. I actually just found some from a couple days ago that's still damp...(smiley: embarassed) I'm leaning toward tossing that out. haha 
Usually I put the powder right next to a dehumidifier... I don't know if this wrecks it at all, but it dries it out again really quickly. Still waiting to make another batch with it, so we'll see.


Kava Curious
Eek, I just made some Kava with previously used root, and it looks just as muddy as the first batch (probably haven't been straining it very well.) Problem is it smells pretty bad, like the rubber sole of a sneaker. I left a lot of it in clumps to dry, which was probably a bad idea. I don't know if I should drink it. Maybe I'll just be more careful in the future. Lesson learned I guess.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Dry powder in a well sealed bag or container should keep for a long time. In wet kava, the starch will ferment and produce lactic acid making it sour in 3-4 days, between the acid and the preservative effects of the kavalactones, I think it probably won't make you sick, but I've had kava that turned a bit sour and it tasted really disgusting, so much so that I have no desire to drink sour kava again.


Kava Curious
I usually keep "used" kava in a tupperware container full of water (filled just above the kava) so I can use a quick second strain next time I make a batch. I usually keep it around up to a week or two; never had any problems.


homobonobo said:
I usually keep "used" kava in a tupperware container full of water (filled just above the kava) so I can use a quick second strain next time I make a batch. I usually keep it around up to a week or two; never had any problems.
Interesting! I'll have to do this, I always feel like it's such a waste to toss out root powder after just one or two soakings and strains.