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"For John's Sake!"

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
There was a documentary that was never made called "For John's Sake!"  It regarded the John Frum Movement.  There was a promo for it available on Youtube, and now it's gone.

Unfortunately, at the time although I knew some sites that could strip a video away from Youtube and allow me to save a local copy, I didn't realize the danger of a promo for a video that never came to be going away.  I figured, once on Youtube, always on Youtube until someone complains about it.

Does anyone have a copy of this promo?  It explains very well the legitimacy of the John Frum movement and how it relates to the drinking of kava.  I show it to anyone who questions my Frummist faith or my kava usage.  I've actually gotten others to cry when watching it, because it's a story of a once happy kava-drinking people who were forced to give up both kava and kastom, and how John Frum brought them back both hope for their future as well as respect for their traditional lifeways and the kava that goes with it.

I'm very sad the movie was never made, but I'm even more sad that the beautiful promo that was made no longer exists.