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Forum français relatif au kava - New French kava forum : KAVAGORA


Kava Curious

Pour ceux qui préfèrent la langue de Molière ou qui ont vraiment du mal avec celle de Shakespeare, j'ai créé le forum Kavagora, similaire à celui-ci, sur http://kavagora.forumavie.com. Il est tout frais et vide, mais il faut bien un début à tout, lâchez-vous ! :) Le but n'est pas de concurrencer Kavalounge mais d'être complémentaire et de rassembler une communauté d'amateurs de kava encore plus vaste.Hello,For those who prefer the French language, I created the Kavagora forum on Nonehttp://kavagora.forumavie.com. I don't want to compete with Kavalounge, I think it's complementary : it can gather a greater community of kava lovers. Feel free to write :)
I  put a link to Kavalounge on top of the main Kavagora Forum.


Awesome! I don't speak french, but this is a great idea, especially since we are really the only one online community dedicated to all things kava


Kava Curious
I forgot to write it (I don't know if the word agora is used in English, in French yes) :
The Agora (Greek: Ἀγορά, Agorá) was a public "place of assembly"/gathering place in ancient Greek city-states.A popular assembly, and the place where such an assembly meets.A place of congregation.Marketplace in Athens, used for popular meetings, or any similar place of assembly in ancient Greece."Forum" was the Roman equivalent of the Agora and the word is often used in older texts to refer to Greek agorai (plural of Agora).