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Free resuable Kava strainers for powder

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
We just got a few of these amazing strainers in from Fiji and we wanted to offer them as samples to the first ten people who email  - relax (at) paradisekava (dot) com.

I liked how durable and soft the material was, and the weave seemed perfect for finer ground powder.

All we ask is that you write a quick review and email us after trying them. Give them a rating of 1-5,  where 5 is awesome.

If enough people like them, we will carry them.

Thanks guys! 

Adil Ghiasi

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
You guys are fast! (smiley: wink)
This offer is closed.
Thanks for participating~ Please send your reviews to
relax (at) paradisekava (dot) com


Kava Enthusiast
I just got mine today. I wasn't sure if I sent it to the right place as I just went to the paradisekava page and hit send email. I'd totally forgotten about and today my girlfriend brough me in a small package. I think it's really sweet. It is much larger than the muslin bags I have been using for a year. The weave is very fine and it's really sweet looking. I'm thinking I'll be able to wrap up a kava ball and wrap a few layers around it with this. I havn't used it yet but will tommorow and review it. Thanks Adil!


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
And for those of you that got the strainer bags....

Pictures or it didn't happen!(smiley: tongue) (smiley: laugh)


Kava Curious
I got mine too! Unfortunately I haven't been making any Kava this week, but as soon as I do I will write a thorough review. It is very pretty though. I also like the fabric, because it's about as thin as pantyhose, but probably much sturdier. The size would make it great for large batches too.


Kava Enthusiast
These are hands down the best strainers I have ever used. When I saw how thin and fine mesh it was I wondered how tough it would be and if it clog. I have been using muslin bags for the past 14 months and I always have the same issue when I start kneading. When I first start kneading the bag seems to immediately clog and it nearly impssobile to squeeze properly and takes 15 minutes of basically rolling kava much in my fingeres before I can actaully get a good squeeze out of it.

With these I was able to get an awesome squeeze on the first try and these things can really handle pressure. In 20 minutes I got the some level of foaminess and chocolate milk lookingness that it usually takes 40 minutes to achieve. I made a ball in the corner and then twisted around it and made another ball around that so it was strained by two layers and it worked awesome.

In addition they are very light and transparrent and don't hold moisture like muslin and dry almost instantly as well as being super easy to clean. Not like ghetto muslin bags that stay damp all night and smell like swamp ass in the next time you go to use it.


Kava Curious
This isn't the best photo, there's some weird beige shading(my shadow?), but there it is.  A tablespoon is the reference.


Kava Enthusiast
Katiedid's is pretty cool, mine isn't so girly which is awesome to.  I put a 16 oz can of coconut water above it to scale. Pretty big and works awesome.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Thanks to the people who emailed us reviews! Looks like we'll be carrying these in a few months since all the reviews are positive. We anticipated that but it's always good to to check with the forum before sourcing a huge amount right? (smiley: wink)
We will try and sell these for no more than $5 a piece.


Kava Enthusiast
I got my bag yesterday, many thanks to Adil. I made a brew yesterday evening using this strainer and found it much more user-friendly than the heavy muslin bag I've been using up until now.

I didn't realise it before using paradise kava's strainer bag, but the muslin strainer I've been using up until now is just too damn small for the job! Paradise Kava's strainer is much more voluminous, and the extra space makes working and kneading the kava so much easier than what I'm used to.

The material is very light, but seems to be quite strong and durable too. The weave is very fine which makes is ideal for all kavas, including finely ground kavas. I've often heard people say that I should knead my kava until it doesn't feel oily anymore, I never understood what they meant by that until using this bag. Unlike the heavy muslin bag I've used before, this bag allows me to feel the texture of the kava and gauge just how oily or dry the root is while kneading. I agree with new2kava also in that this bag is also very easy to clean and reuse compared to my old one.

Overall, I'm very please with this strainer bag, it's made my preparation a little more hassle-free than before. I definitely will not be going back to my old bags again. Thanks, Adil!

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Got mine today and like an idiot took my scissors out and started to open my package. Cut right through it! I'll be ordering two when you put them up for sale to make up for my blunder. I like the material though and its just the perfect size. Too bad I went all out with the kitchen shears. Extract looks good as always! Good thing the jar is glass or I'd probably try to cut through that too.


Kava Enthusiast
Got mine today and used it right away. I like it a lot. My only complaint with bags of this nature is that when they are new they are difficult to remove the pulp from the bag without taking strings from the bag with it. I sometimes like to add the pulp back into the brew after its prepared, and I almost always blend the pulp again. So thats a bit of a pain, but this one wasnt as bad as other bags of this nature I've used.  This is one reason I use a jelly strainer. But in terms of use I love it. I give it a 4.5 out of 5 overall. Durability remains to be seen, but so far so good.