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Frequency of Dose?


Kava Curious
I just started using kava now. just recently. I'm not sure I understand the dosage thing.

Can I use in the morning, and use again before bed with a better effect than  my morning session?

Or can I use all day? Whenever my stomach is empty?

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Per Kastom drink your shells at sundown.

In the real world of amazingly high levels of stress and free-floating anxiety... drink as needed.


Kava Enthusiast
Common belief is that you'll get better effect and less nausea when you drink on an empty stomach, but that doesn't always seem to be the case. You can drink any time, and however you need.

I personally seem to get the greatest effects when I drink later in the evening. Others have also commented on a super-krunk when drinking the morning after a session.

Kava seems to build on you, so if you start in the morning then you'll probably have a strong effect in the evening. It definitely doesn't leave your system as quickly as alcohol, for example, so you can build on it.