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Kava Preparation Fresh Frozen Kava Preparation

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Fresh frozen kava preparation. This is the kava featured in the facebook album here
It was a wedding present sent ever so lovingly by Adil, from Paradise Kava

Get your bowl, strainer, and any container you're going to use to store your freshly made kava.
In this instance I cleaned and sanitized every surface. Because why? Because FRESH KAVA that's why.
You can see in the following pictures I'm using a fijian strainer, and will be making 1 liter of fresh made kava.

First thing you've got to do is saw the frozen kava apart. This is also the part that my wife liked the least. I found that warming up the knife under hot water helped the process. I quartered the kava into 4 equal pieces. I left one piece out for preparation. (This is a 1 lb kava brick I'm chopping up here)



After separating the pieces out, placing them in ziplock bags, and putting them back into the freezer I turn my attention to the portion I'm about to use. I fill up my tupperware container with hot water to thaw the kava out. Ideally you would allow it to thaw on its own, but aint nobody got time for that. In the picture below you can see it resting in the bag in its hot water bath. I usually use this time to get excited about what I'm about to drink, get the couch ready and stare in anticipation.

You know it's ready if it looks like the picture below and you can break it up inside the ziplock bag with your hands.


Place in strainer bag, and knead for 20 minutes. Pretty straightforward, and pretty necessary. Looks like this is going to be a light colored beverage.


I did do a second wash on this kava because I really want every bit of goodness out of it I can possibly muster. Here's the final product. 1 Liter of hand squeeze fresh Hawaiian kava. Beautiful!


Final Note:
Ahh, that old familiar, highly coveted, rarely consumed smell of fresh kava. Let it be known that the smell is NOTHING akin to the dry powders we're used to. The taste? Well that also is nothing like you're used to. I didn't even need a chaser. It has a sweetness of no kava you've ever tasted, very little bitterness, very vegetal and very numbing. Effects? Getouttahere. Very little sedation, extreme anxiety relief, and pretty dang heavy mental effects. A+ experience every time because man.....that taste...that's where it's at. We're in sort of a drought of fresh frozen kavas but I have a feeling we'll start seeing more.
Anyways, Bula!



Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
I think you might have to order some of the Moi plants and start growing so you can feed the need of fresh kava root, start now and in 2-5 years you will be very happy. (y)



Bula To Eternity
Absolutely awesome Kapm... It's exactly a perfect example of a great page for the Kavapedia. More... More... More....

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
@Gourmet Hawaiian Kava I've wanted to ask you about this for some time: Many people say that kava tastes and works way better when it is made from a fresh root. Is this how you make/drink your kava? If yes, then would you agree that it's better than dried root?
Hi Henry G. I was thinking about this after I read the Kapm's post and I was in my wood shop and I thought to myself (since I was smelling the kava that is growing in my yard in the cool evening) I figured since there are so many smells that I personally enjoy from kava that I would have to make a post that would talk about all the different smells and now that you asked I will do the post tonight if possible and if not then it will be tomorrow. Keep your eyes open for it, and let me know if you have any other questions, aloha.



Kava Enthusiast
That is awesome! <jaw jarred wide open> ............slurp! <super jealous> I bet it gives those Moi Moi boys something to look forward to. It has now been added to my bucket list :)

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