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Fresh Harvest Newsletter on the Kava Library

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Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Here is an article from the latest Issue of my Fresh Harvest Newsletter. Please go to the kava library www.kavalibrary.com , go to the newsletter section, and lick on the link for the sample newsletter to see the other article about how I discovered Apu (Papa Kea). The promo for our subscribers has expired and I removed it from the Newsletter but we still have a sale on our new Micronized Sampler. In the future we hope to develop a system with Headhodge for exchanging information in a more organized manner.

Variety is the Spice of Life

As the President of the Hawaiian ‘Awa Council, I am committed to promoting the great tasting, potent, and rare Kavas of Hawaii. However, a few weeks ago I released a Kava called “Small Hands Tchap”. This kava was grown by a small private farmer from Efate Vanuatu. A small hard working farmer like myself. I imagined this farmer smiling to himself and saying, “Wait till they try my special Kava.” Of course, I can totally relate to that but then a flash bulb went off in my brain. What if I could find rare Noble Kavas like the ones that I grow? Gourmet Kavas grown by small private farmers that would delight my customers and tickle their imaginations?

So I have decided to search the world of Kava and find more rare Noble Kavas harvested by small private farmers. I want to offer the finest Kavas from Hawaii and the rarest Kavas from the rest of the world. My friends in the South Sea Islands are now scouring the islands for Boutique Kavas that match my criteria. In the future I will be offering both the rare Noble Kavas of Hawaii and the rare noble Gourmet Kavas from small farmers like myself.

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