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General info kava strains


Bkh borogu and boroguru and melo melo all from bkh where from and are they kavain or dkm or dhm also ive been using the 6 tbsp for 3 cups water kavassaur and 1 tsp lecthin soak for 30 and need for 20 depending . However is this to strong for noobz and if iam working long shifts everyday are these the wrong kavas also stone and blacksand same routine seem to be weekday nobal kavas or i read wrong well except the stone love the muscle ease kavas and the ones that destroy stress also tryed shaman ,fire island , and bkh instant. not sure which is best maybe kava by rex a few there look great thx again

Andrew Procyk

Noble Kava
Kava Vendor
I can't answer for the chemotypes of others, but I just posted the info for the cultivars of our most recent shipment in the Vanuatu Kava Store section. Cheers!
