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getting people in to 'it'

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I've gotten three or four people really into it. Start with something like Solomon or or a Tongan. Never, ever attempt to get people into Kava using Chief's Jungle.


Kava Enthusiast
My wife said she would not drink my kava if i gave her 200 bucks... women.. haha

But yeah, I too have not had much success in this endeavor. But hey more for us right :D

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Too much DARE propaganda. "Voodoo Pharmacology," the idea that kava will suddenly turn you into someone you are not.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I've gotten at least 10 people to try it without even asking them. They read my college research paper on it asked about trying it. Some bought it online, some came over and drank it with me. One guy (#11) heard it from two other friends that have had kava with me and now he wants to try it. Non of my immediate family will touch the stuff...one of them can't. He drinks, smokes, and takes all kinds of prescription drugs for various things.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I'm a little surprised no one asked me for any after watching Iron Man. There's a scene where it seriously looks like he's got a blender full of the brown-and-lovely.


Kava Curious
I made the mistake of serving N@H stone kava to some friends for their first kava and it "made their tummies hurt". So far, I know of two people who have enjoyed and bought kava on their own after I've told them about it. My wife tried some and said it made her have bad dreams.

I agree 100% with Prince Phillip on the DARE comment. I was a DARE instructor several years ago.


Kava Curious
Without exception. Everybody I have served kava for has loved it. Family is scared of anything that doesnt come with FDA approval but friends love it. Instant kava like fire island kava seems to go down more easily but I find that people soon develop a taste for its effects. One of my friends love the taste and have the look of a wine snob as she swirl it in her mouth and swallows with a satisfied "uhmmmm" followed by scores of envious looks.