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Good Hydration


Well... there ya have it.
Aloha Everybody,
We talk a lot about staying hydrated on this forum. Hydration comes in multiple forms but we talk a lot about water. You need it as it keeps from dehydrating from the diuretic effects of kava. But, you need more than just water. If you're chugging water and peeing a lot then electrolytes leave too. Magnesium and sodium tend to be the first to go. So put a pinch of sea salt in you water as it helps your body utilize it for hydration. You need sodium for a lot of important health functions. With magnesium, the best way to body utilizes it is through the skin. So buying a magnesium gel or lotion is a great way to keep magnesium levels up as is taking a bath that has magnesium and minerals in it. You can find these things easily in reputable health food stores. Crack open an EmergenC for good measure and use it in one of your waters. Coconut water is also an excellent way to stay hydrated because it has all of these thing. So, keep a little bottle handy. You don't need 3 litres of it just a bit a day. Over hydration is just as dangerous as under hydration. Your diet is important too. Thank you for reading this far. I tend to be wordy. Deep peace and good health to All of Us.