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Grow your own

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
If I had a hillside covered in greenhouses I'd spring for it in a second. Other than that it'd be pretty cool to look over at the kava while you're drinking kava. Having a living plant would most likely cause me to be more grateful of the ones I have been drinking.


Kava Lover
There used to be a guy on here who was growing a kava plant but I havnt seen him here in a good while. The only problem with growing your own kava is you would have to wait at least five years before you get to try it lol. It would be interesting, however, if you built a hydroponic chamber large enough to house the roots and grow it that way. You could probably increase te growth rate significantly and at the same time the flavour might improve because it wouldn't be submerged in dirt for years. It would be insanely expensive to run a hydroponic chamber 24/7 for around five years though :/


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
I have grown a few in my backyard and just started an 90 gallon grow bed with an 110 gal aquaponics system - I was thinking about trying a little plant in one corner, but I have a feeling it would take over quick.  We did plant some wheat from Montana and it is growing like crazy.


Kava Lover
Ponic growing systems make plants grow like crazy. But yeah I think the roots from the kava would quickly steal the nutrients from the other plants