So, I recently got access to a high end green house!(smiley: happy) It's 50' by 20' I think. I'm allowed to use a small unspecified space. I don't know what temp it goes down too at night, but it's always been 70-105 when I've been in it.
I know there are a lot easier, similar medicinal herbs to grow. I will grow those, but Kava takes years to be good. So, I want to attempt as soon as possible!
What I've gathered is:
1. You start kava from cuttings and root clones. I have a little experience with clones.
2. Temp cannot go too low. I don't know the optimum temp.
3. Kava will take years of growth to be worth consuming.
I'm not too sure it's going to be a great success, but you learn by doing. With that said, does anyone have any propagation information? any comments? and any place to buy a good kava clone?
Thanks a ton!
I will definitely post pics if I so much as get a clone
I know there are a lot easier, similar medicinal herbs to grow. I will grow those, but Kava takes years to be good. So, I want to attempt as soon as possible!
What I've gathered is:
1. You start kava from cuttings and root clones. I have a little experience with clones.
2. Temp cannot go too low. I don't know the optimum temp.
3. Kava will take years of growth to be worth consuming.
I'm not too sure it's going to be a great success, but you learn by doing. With that said, does anyone have any propagation information? any comments? and any place to buy a good kava clone?
Thanks a ton!
I will definitely post pics if I so much as get a clone