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Micronized Kava Review Hanakapi'ai

Grant Moore

Don't be in a hurry to go no where.
So this was my first time trying micronized kava. I don't know why I haven't been buying this stuff, because it's awesome. I started off by taking Deleted User01's advice and trying a teaspoon before I started my housework. I had never tried doing so before, but I'm glad I did. The effects weren't heavy but I felt up beat, happy, and energized. After I finished my house work and cooking super, I made a kava cocktail with two table spoons and went and sat outside(around 6:30). I was surprised at just how mild this kava was. Besides being mild the only other taste profile I could detect was sweetness. I waited my usual 15 minutes and boy was I surprised. Never had so little kava done so much. The heady effects of this kava are unbelievable. It's up to par with a good Honokane Iki. I didn't get a great deal of muscle effects, but there was enough to take some of the strain out of my back. All the stress I had melted away. About an hour later I decided to have another kava cocktail.(I discovered my thresh hold for micronized was 4 table spoons) As the night went on I became very lethargic and sleepy, but not in a bad way. I stayed up a little longer and chatted with a friend while we played Titanfall. Then at about 11:30 I decided to go to bed, and I was ready for it.

So if you're looking for a heady kava that encourages a good nights sleep, this is the kava for you. If you are also looking for a kava that can help you get through the day this is definitely an excellent choice. Just be sure you take it in small amounts.
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Kava Enthusiast
Great review, my experience with this micronised kava is pretty much exactly the same! I really love it.


Kava Curious
Thanks for the review.

@HeadHodge I too am having a hard time coming up with reviews. Hopefully I'll put some reviews together soon though.

Deleted User01

Another great review and the way I like them. I concur with Grant that the Hanakapi'ai is a very nice heady daytime kava. I found that the teaspoon method gives you a giddy (but not heavy) effect. So while I am working, I will do a teaspoon every hour and I keep the giddiness alive without sinking into the heaviness. I'm embarrassed to admit that I ended up watching snippets of Cheech and Chon the other day and laughing my ass off. Anyway, you can save the big dose for an hour or so before bedtime and you can warm up for bedtime by hitting the couch hard. As a point of reference, I had success with this method using Hanakpi'ai one day and Mahakea the other day, both GHK Micronized.


Kava Enthusiast
Let me state right here that I absolutely LOVED Hanakapi' Ai. I have not had any Hawaiian grown kava for YEARS and this fulfilled all my highest hopes. It was mild tasting and had wonderful effects, waves of euphoria and relaxation. I found that 2 tablespoons was enough to kavalactify myself quite nicely. I also find that though I got the medium grind, this was ground fine enough that it mixed perfectly into water as is. I have had micronized Awa that seemed not a whole lot different. I finished off my 1/2 pound this weekend and only once made a full tanoa. I moslty just dumped a tablespoon in my mug (about 18oz) and stirred in water until it was smooth (about a minute or two) and clap gulp, clap clap clap... BULA!!! I noticed that Hanakapi Ai was off the order page. Hope it comes back soon.::kavaleaf::

Deleted User01

Dang, the Hanakapi'Ai is my daytime Kava. Well, if it is off, there should be a replacement soon. Chris harvests in cycles so he always has fresh stuff.


Kava Enthusiast
to imfuse with kavalactones; kavalactify
or possibly kavapyrofy if yer British....

I was going to order my old favorite Moi, which I haven't had for years but decided to try Hanakapi Ai instead. I was very happy I did.

Grant Moore

Don't be in a hurry to go no where.
Thanks for all the compliments guys! Sorry I haven't been able to be on the forum since this review. Due to my internet company doing renovations and me moving back into my dorm room its been hard to get on and check my profile.